Chapter 14 - Scrapheap

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Here is my version from the Scrapheap episode. Anyway, enjoy.

Somewhere in the Arctic, Bumblebee and Bulkhead are scouting to investigate a signal that Ratchet detected earlier.

Bumblebee: *Beeps* (Are we there yet, Bulkhead?)

Bulkhead: "No! We're not there yet! But it should be just past this ridge, Bumblebee!"

Once they reached the ledge of the ridge, they slid down the ice. Once there, Bulkhead rechecked his scanners.

Bulkhead: "I don't get it. These readings are off the meters!"

Bumblebee *Beeps* (Bulkhead! I found something!)

Bulkhead and Bumblebee approached the gap in the ice. When they looked into the gap, they were amazed to find a mysterious pod.

After completing their mission, Bulkhead and Bumblebee made their way back to the base where Ratchet instructed them to undergo defrosting. Meanwhile, Cody, Frankie, and Nightblast were also at the base, keeping Ratchet company. On the other hand, the Burns Family and the Rescue Bots had a meeting with Mayor Lunskey of Griffin Rock for a few days and Doc Greene had a meeting on the mainland for a few days.

Bulkhead: "I told you, doc. We're fine."

Bulkhead began to object to Ratchet's orders as he removed the lines connected to him and stood up, but Ratchet pushed him down onto the berth again.

Ratchet: "The only way to be certain you're fine, Bulkhead, is to endure the standard defrosting procedure! You know prolonged exposure to sub-zero conditions can cause permanent system damage!"

Cody: "Permanent system damage?"

Ratchet: "Indeed, Cody."

Frankie: "And that is why I prefer summer, Cody."

Cody: "I know, Frankie. But I like winter."

Nightblast: "What are the differences between summer and winter?"

Cody: "We'll tell you later, Nightblast. Arcee and Optimus are here now."

Optimus and Arcee approached Ratchet, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Nightblast, Cody, and Frankie.

Optimus: "Ratchet, have you learned anything from the arctic find?"

Ratchet: "Not yet. The pod can't be opened while it's frozen solid."

The pod is still sealed due to thick ice walls engulfing it in its icy embrace. The room the Autobots had used to conceal to pod is flooding from the ice that started to melt. The ice continued to melt enough to allow the occupants inside to escape.

The next day, Ratchet began to activate the GroundBridge and then looked at Optimus and Arcee.

Optimus: "Arcee and I will search for any clues that will explain the origin of our Arctic find."

Ratchet: "Only until your sensors sound. Remember. Once your core temperature drops into the blue zone, system failures aren't likely. They're imminent."

They heard horns and turned to see Bumblebee and Bulkhead. Miko stepped out of Bulkhead while Jack and Raf stepped out of Bumblebee.

Miko: "Miss us, Doc bot?"

Ratchet: *Sigh* "Shouldn't they be in school?"

Miko: "On Saturday? We have the whole weekend off to spend with you."

Jack, Miko and Raf saw Cody, Frankie, and Nightblast.

Miko: "Hi, Cody. Hi, Frankie."

Frankie: "Hi guys."

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