Chapter 1

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"Hey!!" Biana ran over to Sophie and Keefe while Fitz showed off his award-winning grin. Sophie's insides grew squishy as she blushed at the sight (I know, I hate SoFitz too). "Glad you could make it" Fitz blurts out "Man my hair is fresh today!" "Oh shut up, Keefe" Sophie turned to Keefe, folding her hands "We're not here to talk about hair, We're here to work on our abilities!" "But I'm an Empath, what can I do?" Keefe says. Sophie glared at him "Fine, fine" "Let's get on with it!" Fitz says. Sophie nods her head as everyone follows.

"Finally! Last ability check!" Keefe lifted out his hands in joy, "To Havenfield" Sohpie said as she twined fingers with Keefe, he grinned at her. She twines her other hand with Biana as Fitz holds Biana's. They all start running down the cliff as Sophie thinks hard of Havenfield. They jumped off and a big strong lightning sound buzzed through everyone's ears. Sophie squeezed Keefe's hand. Suddenly, Sophie heard a loud bang sound, she opened her eyes in shock, relieved to see everyone else was in shock too. They then land flat on their back and Fitz groans "Where are we?" he says. Sophie and the others stand up in shock and amazement, they find themselves standing in front of a huge black castle and somehow, it is nighttime. The black castle looked creepy but beautiful at the same time, Sophie took a step forward, followed by the others, Fitz was the first to snap out of amazement though, "Sophie, Where'd you take us?" "I swear I thought only of Havenfield" she blurts out "This place is amazing but creepy," Biana said "Uhm...guys...guys! There are people in black robes!! They have to be in the Neverseen!" Keefe points to 3 figures. The one in the middle was a boy with round glasses and emerald eyes with black-jet messy hair, to his right was a girl with curly blonde hair with black eyes. To the boy's left was another boy who was slightly overweight, had red hair with beautiful freckles, and had black eyes. Sophie, Keefe, Fitz, and Biana look startled. As the 3 got closer, Sophie and Fitz felt thoughts rushing into their brains "They are human," Sophie pointed out to Keefe and Biana, Fitz nodded his head in pure agreement with Sophie "Who are you people?" the one in the middle of the figures shouted at them. Sophie and the others flinch back a step "Do you reckon they're muggles?" the boy with red hair said. On the other hand, Sophie, Fitz, Biana, and Keefe were all communicating telepathically 'They're humans!' Biana thought 'Okay, I have a plan. They probably think we're trespassers so we should assure them we...just came in by mistake?' Sophie thought 'Woo-hoo! Way to go Foster! How did I not think of that!' Keefe transmits "Who are you?" the girl asks "I'm sorry we just happened to come the wrong way" Sophie speaks to them "There's no way you all aren't wizards, you can only get here by magic!" the boy with glasses exclaimed "Magic? That doesn't exist!" Biana said. Just then, the boy with glasses pulls out a wooden stick and shouts "Aquamenti!" Water shoots out from the wand. Sophie and the others levitate to dodge it "I see we're dealing with otherworldly humans- seriously Foster, where did you take us?" Keefe's snark starts showing up "I have no clue, but I swear I thought of Havenfield" Sophie defends herself "I know that!" Keefe said, reminding Sophie that he was an empath "Wait, what's Havenfield?" the red-haired boy asked "Oops..." Sophie knew they messed up. She and the others started levitating back to the ground "Who are you?" the girl asked "I suppose introductions should do the trick! I'm Lord Hunkyhair! But you can call me Keefe!" "I'm Fitz and this is my sister Biana," Biana waved her hand "I'm Sophie, and...we're elves" "Elves? You look nothing like elves!" the black-hired dude exclaimed "Woah woah woah, we need your names too!" Keefe exclaimed "We can't go on addressing you with...your hair color!" said Biana. The girl sighs "I'm Hermoine" the girl says "I'm Harry and this is Ron!" the boy with black hair says "And magic does exist!" Harry said. Sophie looked suspicious "Keefe, check their emotions," said Sophie. Keefe nods his head "Lord Hunkyhair to the rescue!!" Keefe walks over to them and holds Harry's hand "Hmm...I feel a mix of 2 emotions! I hope you don't smash our heads cause that's a strong one! Instead, please do chill out with us!" Keefe said, flashing his famous grin "Wa- What are you doing?!" Harry pulled his hands away from Keefe. Sophie glared at Harry "He's checking your emotions!" Sophie states "And you said you're elves- but you look nothing like Dobby the house elf!" Ron exclaimed "House-elf? What's that?" Fitz asked. "Wait a second...y-you guys are from that human book series! Harry Potter, Hermoine Granger, and Ron Weasely!" exclaimed Sophie, bewildered. She never expected different worlds to exist "Now that you mention it...I do remember reading a book named Keeper Of The Lost Cities which had a Sophie Foster, Fitz Vacker, Biana Vacker, and so on..." Hermoine states "Come inside, I think it'll be fine!" Ron leads them into the castle, which is Hogwarts.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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