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\\ authors note. im gonna try to do this in a story format so its more realistic and fun. and currently, i DONT have a planet oc/sona, so until i make one, my character will be some random moon planet thingy called holograph, or holo for short. try to think of them with a holographic look for now. (once i make an oc or smth, ill edit the chapters to include them instead of the replacement. :)


\\ this chapter takes place just 2-3 days after the Jupiter is Missing episode, and after the moon revolution too. i will try to keep the future chapters accurate to the recent episodes.

\\ this is a partial AU. everything that happened in the canon happened here, but there are some changes, like earth being chill with mars and venus again, which we havent seen happen YET




A hazy, mostly gray-blue planet with lines of black and white, sorta like a hologram along their surface backed up from the camera. 

"Hmm, I think- okay, I got it to work!" they used their gravity to adjust the camera. "Hello, uh.. viewers? Wattpadders? Nevermind, viewers works. My name is Holograph, but please call me Holo. I'm gonna do this ask or dare thingy, and I've already explained to this solar system what's going on, most- most of they agreed to it. Not like they have anything better to do."

Holograph moves out of the camera's viewpoint, behind the camera. The camera pans towards the solar system. There's the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and.. Neptune is nowhere in sight. Surprisingly, Pluto can be seen drifting near the Kuiper Belt, talking to Charon.

"This is the solar system- which, you all probably already know, hehe. And Neptune is gone too, probably went off into the Kuiper Belt. There's the other planets hanging out, I guess. Let's go talk to them!"



The camera shut off for a little bit, before turning back on, much closer to the solar system.

"First up, Sun!" Holograph speaks as the cameraman, pointing the camera at the Sun. "What would you like to say?"

"STAY IN YOUR- oh wait you're not one of mine," 

"Yeah... let's move on." the camera moves away from the Sun, and heads towards Mercury.

"Hello, Mercury! What do you want to say to the viewers?"

Mercury looks startled, but turns towards the camera. "O-oh, we're still doing this? Umm, go gentle on me?"

"Wise words!" Holograph points the camera at their own face. "You heard him, viewers! Although none of you will listen, so good luck Mercury!"

"Wait.. what-"

"Moving on!" the camera is pointing towards Venus now, as the camera approaches. "Hey, Venus-"

"What do you want- oh, it's you." Venus glanced over, squinting at the planet recording him. "Aren't you, like, a moon or something?"

"What? Uh, no?"

"You're even smaller than Mercury, or Pluto. There's no way you're a planet."

"Hmm, good point!" Holograph agreed. "Maybe I am a moon. Anyways, that's our cue to leave!" the camera turns and heads towards Mars, Earth, and Luna, who were playing cards. Phobos and Deimos can be seen a little distance away from them, playing around.

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