Chapter 15- Can You Stand to Be Friends with an Oni?

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Yoru looked in the direction of Kiyoshi, whose torn-up wing was wrapped up and pinned to his back. He really had to talk to Kiyoshi, to formally make up. Kiyoshi's head was down as his tail wagged sadly. Yoru started to approach Kiyoshi, treading lightly not to hurt him by the vibrations. "Hey Kiyoshi," Yoru started quietly as he put his arm over Kiyoshi. "Yeah?" Kiyoshi said in a quiet voice. His eyes were glistening in the moonlight with silent pain. "Can I talk to you? Alone?" Yoru asked as Kiyoshi pulled up his head. "Sure," Kiyoshi replied as he used Yoru as a support. Izume watched the two as they walked in a different direction, completely far away from everyone else. "Cough* Cough MMMGAY," Izume fake-coughed loudly. As Yoru turned around to give Izume a cold look, but she ignored his gaze, innocently whistling.

Yoru led Kiyoshi to a quiet area with a small river and a waterfall going through it, the wildlife struggling to flourish. "Sooo," Kiyoshi started as he dipped his toes in the water. "What did you have to tell me?" Yoru stared into the depths of the shallow water before speaking. "Well, I just want to say sorry. You know, for everything." Kiyoshi turned to look at Yoru, who was now a little red as he looked down. "Everything?" Kiyoshi questioned. "You know, the way I treated you during that incident, injuring you," Yoru replied as he glanced at Kiyoshi's scar on his face. Kiyoshi looked at Yoru's face as well, from the fresh scar that he gave Yoru. Yoru turned his glance away, his hand over the fresh scratched scar. "Still, it's also your fault. How can you stand to even be friends with an Oni? You didn't have to stretch your hand out that day to help me. You had all the right to throw it at me and run away. I really wouldn't had minded. I caused a lot of trouble for you by being your friend. You're better off without me," Yoru informed Kiyoshi as he dragged his knife across the water.

Kiyoshi put his arm over Yoru, giving him a warm smile. "Yoru," he started. "You might be a pain in the butt, absolutely annoying, most inconsiderate person I've ever met." "Damn, thanks," Yoru said rudely. "But you're also are my best friend, ever since that day. I've forgiven you long ago, even though it doesn't seem so," Kiyoshi said. "We share that in common," Yoru started. "Being impulsive when it comes to things like that."

"So, best friends again?" Kiyoshi asked as he got his hand into a fist, waiting for a fistbump. Yoru gave Kiyoshi a big smile, the happiest he had ever been in a very long time. "Best friends."

"YOU SURE YOU'RE NOT GAY, YORU?!" Izume yelled from a bush. (She had been spying on them)

"SHUT THE **** UP!" Yoru yelled as his face turned red.

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"But sir- we have something important," Ras interrupted.


"Geez, someone's grumpy today," Cinder said.

The Dragon King slapped Cinder across the face, red with fury. "Just go," he said in a cold threatening voice. "Y- yes sir," Cinder stuttered as he fumbled backwards, knocking into a crystal statue, before running out of the Shadow Dojo's throne room, with Ras and Jordana right behind him.

Now alone in solitude, the Dragon King smashed one of his crystal creations into pieces, leaving behind a shattered residue. He continued to do this until he got tired and at on his throne in a lazy position, looking up at the ceiling mural. It depicted the story of the Gong and Mallet of Shattering, and the ancient race of the Wolf Mask Army. "Why am I leading a bunch of furries and a paintbrush?" the Dragon King asked himself. "But I guess I had no choice. It's my fate, after all. It won't end well." His eyes had no light in them, only darkness in his dark gray eyes. Who did he inherit it from? He wasn't sure, he despised any thoughts of his biological parents. He hated them so, so, much.

But his powers where another matter. Neither of his parents where apparently elemental masters, so he got them because they needed a host. But little did he know, his elemental powers were definitely more of the forbidden and cursed powers. The last elemental power of his powers was long ago, during the time of the First Spinjitzu Master. They were the last ones who commanded the Wolf Mask Army, which had been reawakened a few years prior. But they faced a not- so- lucky fate. Their soul and entity was sealed away to be at hands of the FSM, due to being tricked by the Source Dragon Conduit. Which was another reason why the Source Dragons where important. They where the "underlings" to the Source Dragon Conduit, the so- called 'pure' one. The Corrupt, the one who controlled the Wolf Mask Army, was the last one who had the elemental powers of the moon and crystals. In other words, the Dragon King was the Corrupt, and the Corrupt was him.

The Source Dragons would provide a lot of a boost to the Wolf Mask Army, especially to him and Cinder, who were both elemental masters. He was told Cinder had killed someone to get his powers, but that is another story. They both showed some similarities to each other, but otherwises he couldn't stand Cinder's loud personality. But in the end, his fate and whoever had the powers of the Conduit would not end well- at least that made him feel better.

To have the one he hated most gone from the surface of the realms.


This came way quicker than I thought lol

Next chapter will be called "Why Do All VIsions End in Despair?"

Also Izume's comment is not completely wrong, Yoru is definitely not completely straight, but Kiyoshi is. I just don't know what he is :P

Also can you guys please be more communicative? It feels like I have ghost readers with no interaction, and I would maybe like what your thoughts are on each chapter. Please?

I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

Total Story Word Count- 20622 DANG

Chapter Word Count- 1083

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