Help Me Find My Maker; idiots...

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What a jerk.

The next chapter has the same since its when they make a deal.

In this chapter; Sun and Moon find Eclipse trapped in the magic barrier that Ruin put up in the previous one.

All of these chapters follow the lore; but I tweeked it a little since its hard to remember everything off the bat.

The following chapter contains Moon's ego; and narrassim...

CW: Mention of violence.

Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex

Fazcade's Backroom

February 4 2024

Eclipse went in; and out of conciousness. He didnt feel good. Eclipse was still standing; and hadnt gotten any sleep. He could really use a charge; but the sad reality was, he never gets what he wants. The only time he did was when he was the stars owner; and the worlds lord, but it didnt go as planned. Eclipse wasnt sure if he should call that a victory; but at the time, it was. Sun and Moon were tormented; and deserved it. Eclipse even got to blow up that little brat Lunar at least once. He knew that he wouldnt be able to talk to them when they find him. Eclipse knew he couldnt make a deal with them; and that they want him dead...still he waited for what felt like years. He laughed unhingly; and sobbed silently to himself. Eclipse then stopped sobbing when he heard footsteps; and bell jingles. He looked up. 

''Sun and Moon...great.'' Eclipse said sacastically in his head.

The two idiots walked over. 

Moon laughed; and Sun ''pretended to be tense''. Eclipse knew Sun acted sometimes; and didnt just express his anxiety. He was confused on why Sun kept up this act when he had shown everyone all the rage he felt; especially towards Eclipse. Sun was after all; the one that killed Blood Moon. Blood Moon came back; but he was dead for a very long time. Sun wasnt innocent. Moon killed way more than Eclipse. Eclipse only killed Lunar. Eclipse didnt care if Sun let out his anger because he knew the pair would never like him, and were cruel. He never called them brothers because those two idiots were nothing like brothers. Sun and Moon claim to work together; but they had their differences. The only similarity was; they liked being cruel to Eclipse over; and OVER, and over was getting old. Why couldnt they just let him live properly...

Eclipse glared at them.

''Ruin trapped me in a magic barrier that old you made! How does he even know how to do that if he cant even fix an arcade machine.'' Eclipse tsked.

Eclipse still thought that it was Ruin's virus.

The three started to argue. Sun tried to walk into the barrier. He really is an idiot.

''Haha! Told you. You really are an idiot.'' Eclipse chuckled.

The three kept arguing; and Eclipse saw Sun and Moon question the situation amongst each other. 

Eclipse then brought up the creator.

''I interrogated the creator. He said he didnt make me. I checked his computer for logs; blueprints, anything. I couldnt find any. It wasnt him.'' Eclipse explained.

Moon said that they would have to question Ruin soon; but they would have to figure out what to do with Eclipse.

Eclipse laughed; and asked Moon if he was going to kill him. 

Moon and Sun both said they wanted him dead; but Moon said that he rather see Eclipse bash his own head against the wall until his oil was splattered on the walls. He also said he would perfer to see Eclipse's maker come kill him. Eclipse may of not been certain 100 percent about who his maker was; but he doubted he was made just to be killed by his own maker. 

(How about we bash your head against the wall; Moon. Jerk.)

Moon said for Eclipse to have a nice rest; but Eclipse knew he was just being sarcastic. He looked away from them; and laughed.

Sun and Moon left to go speak to Ruin.

(More like be jerks to Ruin.)

Eclipse stopped standing; and laid down. He sobbed slightly. Eclipse trembled.


''Idiots..'' Eclipse whispered sadly to himself.

Eclipse knew they would be back. He was worried about his love; Ruin. Eclipse didnt want him to get hurt if he was the one responsible. He hated that reality.

''I love you; Ruin.'' Eclipse thought to himself; as he slightly dozed off. He couldnt sleep. Eclipse didnt want to sleep.

This chapter was on the shorter side since it was a short lore video.

I hate Moon.

- Kian

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