Chapter 1

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April 14
Friday afternoon~

Rain always seems to amaze me in the spring. It's muddy, The sun hides behind the clouds, and the air is humid all day.
I fell asleep at one of my best hiding spots. It's filled with long green grass, yellow and blue flowers, and red roses. Then I woke up and it was pouring. I thought I was about to drown (Maybe I'm exaggerating but it doesn't change how it ruined the mood).
Anyway today I woke up at the back of my favorite restaurant "Seafood delight".At the beginning and end of every week they would throw a big bag of food into the garbage. They wasted so much I ate lunch, breakfast, and dinner at that place.
There was an old lady here who'd bring me the biggest fish I've ever seen every Saturday, but lately I haven't seen her, just this grumpy old man. He keeps trying to sweep me away with a broom like I have rabies, I bet he doesn't treat his real customers this way. I don't mind, he'll warm up one day.
After I ate breakfast I couldn't decide if I wanted to go somewhere or just go back to sleep. If I did leave I'd probably run into animal control. I think catching cats in nets is a sport to them but it's not exactly "fun" to run in mud. It's not fun to run in general either. I've never seen them chase a dog, talk about special privileges.
Staying here isn't that bad but this area belongs to the white clan during the afternoon and fighting Angel's groupl isn't something I enjoy doing, so I'll just leave. It's the best option.
I walked to the corner and took a peak. Nope, no people in a big white truck ready to capture me. Let's see, where should I go? The music store isn't open so I could go there since it's less crowded, and quiet for once. Or maybe I could go to the library, the kids there are always so nice. The bakery is open but it's a bit far. But it is the closest place I can think of, and I can smell its tasty cakes hovering in the air like clouds.
I've decided, I'm going to the bakery. I'm not hungry but that doesn't mean I won't eat.
It's really crowded on Friday mornings. Yellow, and blue buses. People walking, riding bikes, and driving cars. I remember I almost got run over once. I was walking on the sidewalk minding my business. Having a good old time being lonely, and a car drove right to me. I jumped out of the way though so I guess I came back fine. That doesn't make it ok though. I couldn't get myself to cross the street for months, and I think I lost one of my nine lives. "Vrooom"
"My lucky day isn't it. How I love being soaked in smelly water." I said sarcastically while shaking off the street water. "Some humans just can't drive."
I go across the street, around the corner, and cross the street again to make my way to the bakery.
Before i go I always visit one of my favorite dogs whenever I'm going to the bakery. He sneaks out of his house when his family isn't looking. I never understood why he would want to leave? They look so nice.
I crawl under the hole that's under the fence that his family made to keep him from going outside, and of course he's there. Even when it's muddy he still wants to be outside instead of his big house.
"What's up retriever?" I say.
"You're soaked, what were you doing in the pool on a day like this?" He laughed,
"Retriever, I'm wet, and cold so if you don't mind shutting up, that would be nice," I said while shaking off once again. "What are you doing out here anyway?"
"What else, I'm playing in the mud. It's the best time to get dirty. Who wants to be inside the house if you could be out here?" I would, I thought.
"You act like you want to be a stray. If you lived out here for even a day you'd probably starve. Or animal control would find you."
"Oh, please I can beat a gang of cats with my eyes closed, and run faster than those animal catchers. I would love to be a stray but my family would miss me too much."
"Whatever you say." I said sarcastically.
"I'm serious.
"Mom, do you know where goldy went?" Says a human child from inside the house.
"Forget about that for now, wanna go for a walk?" He said while hiding.
I just walked all the way over here. I was hoping for a break, I thought
     "Sure, I was heading to the bakery anyway." I said while turning around
"Good,my families gonna start looking for me soon."
"I can tell." I said, I went under the fence first then waited while he struggled to squeeze out.
"I really gotta make that hole bigger." He said catching his breath.
"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure if your family sees it they're gonna fill it with dirt. Then you won't have a hole to make bigger. Maybe you're just getting too big to be sneaking out of your comfortable, loving home."
"Okay I get it, If you want to switch spots in life we totally can."
"Yeah, I think if your family's golden retriever came home as a whole different animal with black fur they'd notice."
"Yeah, You're right." We both laughed.
"So what made you wanna visit me today? Were you lonely walking all by yourself, Shadow cat?"
"No, I wasn't lonely, and who's Shadow cat?"
"You who else."
"That's not my name." I said confusingly.
"Well I guess I heard wrong. I could have sworn that's what they called you."
"Who are they?"
"Can't remember specifics, but basically everyone calls you that. It suits you and I think it's a cool name."
"Whoever they are, you shouldn't listen to them, they're obviously spreading rumors, and I don't care how good it sounds, It's not my name." I said angrily.
"What is your name then?" He asked while stopping in his tracks. He stood there looking at me as if he was looking forward to the answer.
"I told you when we first met, I don't have one. What's the point of having a name that no ones gonna say." I explained while walking past him.
"I'm gonna say it and I'm not a nobody," He said "What if something happens and I need you to turn around really fast, what am I supposed to say?"
"Why are you calling me in the first place? I thought you could beat a gang of cats with your eyes closed."
"Shadow that's not the point and since we're friends I'll give you a better name. Lemme think." There was a long silence as the retriever Walked around me in circles while I sat down.
"Hurry up, you only need to think of a first name, and make it short." I said impatiently
"Ok let me think, naming is hard, and why don't you call me by my name, it's not that hard."
"Because you already know I'm talking to you, you're the only dog I talk to"
"Still wouldn't hurt. Do you even know my name?"
"Lemme guess, Goldy." "That's the nickname Lucas."
"Yeah, that's what I decided on, you like it?"
"No, pick a new one, do I look like Lucas to you?"
"Fine, what about Jack?"
"That is literally a dog's name.He lives around the corner." I said "I know you can think of one cat name."
"Ok, but you can't say no to this last one."
"Fine, Say it, and it better be good."
"Adofo." He said proudly.
"Honestly, what does that even mean? I know you didn't get it from the top of your head."
"Glad you asked my fellow friend. Adofo means warrior. Isn't it great? I heard my family talking about it while going through one of the kids' homework."
"You know It sounds like a type of food but it's good enough. Let's go." I said walking past him.
"Okay but by the way my name is Jafar. Just to let you know."
"Well just to let you know I'm still calling you retriever."
"But why?" He said whiningly
"Simply because I can. Now come on, we're almost there."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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