Experiment - Shinobu and Mitsuri x Reader

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To idkwhyimheretbh12345, (great username btw) instead of giving you Shinobu, I'll do you one better (or, maybe you just wanted Shinobu, but oh well). Hope you enjoy it.

"Shinobu? A-Are you sure about this?" you questioned her covering your parts as you were sitting down. "Yeah, it's kind of weird that we all have to take our clothes off for something like this..." Mitsuri said, covering her parts as well.

"We're only gonna do this once, okay? By the time we finish this, we can pretend that this never happened," she said, with a faint blush on her face. She picked up three small chocolate squares as she said, "I've created these chocolates that are laced with aphrodisiacs. Someone helped me create it, and they didn't question why. But once we eat these, we might feel a huge increase of body temperature and constant tingling sensation within our body." she gave you, and Mitsuri the small bits of chocolate.

You looked at the chocolate and asked her, "But, why did you ask us to do this?" you asked Shinobu, looking at the piece of chocolate. "Because I had a feeling that if I were to ask the others, they would accept with zero hesitation. You two are the only ones I trust with this experiment."

"How long will these last?" Mitsuri asked, scratching her head. Shinobu responded, "To be honest... I don't know. And that's what scares me. I don't know how strong this could be, and how long these will last. But, at least we'll feel exhausted when the effects are worn off." she nervously chuckled.

You look at the piece of chocolate and take a deep inhale, and a soft exhale. "Do you two have any other questions before we do this?" you look up at her and put the chocolate in your mouth as you said, "No." and began to chew. Mitsuri does the same as she says, "Let's do it, no regrets from this point on!" and begins to chew.

Shinobu giggles as she says, "Okay then, if you two are sure..." and she begins to eat the chocolate. All three of you were chewing the chocolates, surprised at how good they tasted. It had a milk chocolate light taste, with a hint of cinnamon-flavored caramel on the inside.

All three of you swallowed it, and waited in anticipation for the effects to kick in. "So... How long will it take until it... you know?"

"If I remember correctly, the person who helped me make them said it would take a minute or so for it to take full effect. So, the best we can do is just kiss for the time being."

All three of you heavily blushed at that choice, but it would work. You and Mitsuri looked at each other as you both scooted next to each other, and leaned your heads forward to take a kiss.

You both let out a soft whimper as you both felt each other's lips touch for the first time. Her lips felt so soft against yours, and it didn't help at the fact that her skin felt as soft as silk.

You both stopped kissing as you then crawled to Shinobu, and you kissed her as well. Shinobu softly cups your cheek as she leans her head to the right to make the kiss deeper, making your tongues touch each other in the process.

Mitsuri was between both if you, and so Shinobu stopped kissing you, and transitioned to kissing Mitsuri. They both softly moaned as they connected lips. They do quick little pecks to each other before they stopped and look at each other.

"H-Has it... been a minute?" you asked Shinobu. She responds to you saying, "I think so. They did say it would take a little longer, so they're calculations could be off about the... t-time..."

The moment she said that, all three of you felt a sudden surge flow through your bodies. You felt your body temperature go through the roof and your body was tingling everywhere. From your arms, your legs, your chest, your stomach, even from down there.

"𝙀𝙘𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙨𝙮..." - 𝙆𝙉𝙔 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙑𝙤𝙡. 2Where stories live. Discover now