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Since you're reading this that means you clicked on my book, which I want to say thank you for!

This the first book I have ever written, although it's not really a book but hopefully you get it, so my apologies if some of my writing is terrible. I'm always open to receive feedback and tips on how to improve my writing, and if I made any spelling errors, please correct me!

I'll be writing my own ideas as well as taking requests, which you can leave in the comments of this chapter, or send me your request(s) in a message!

For now I won't be writing smut as I have absolutely no experience with writing that, but other than that I'll be open to writing just about anything! 

I do not mean any disrespect towards the actual veterans with my stories, because I will forever be thankful for the sacrifices they have made.

Listed below are the characters I will be writing for, though I might add more characters later on:

- Richard Winters

- Lewis Nixon

- Ronald Speirs

- Carwood Lipton

- Joe Liebgott

- George Luz

- Donald Malarkey

- Eugene Roe

- Floyd Talbert

- Shifty Powers

- Bill Guarnere

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