Chapter One

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It all started at the diner I used to work at down in Wahp-breck.

So there was this guy at the counter that was really pissing me off, no joke. He looked like a low-level paper-pusher, no doubt working for the Territory. He was too sloppy to be a proper Admin, with his collar unbuttoned and his tie loosened halfway down his belly, throwing scrip around like it grew on trees, and a real Fed would have had a certified credstick. But here's this guy acting like he was Prince Charming, and I just wanted to puke.

The worst thing was that I could hear what he was thinking. I mean that literally – I can read people's minds, and there aren't many in this world that can do that. Right then my skin was crawling, knowing what that sleaze ball was thinking about. I could almost feel his sweaty fingers reaching up my skirt.

"Can I get you some more coffee, hon?" I asked in a sing-song voice, shoving my feelings deep down inside.

The guy took the cap off his head, showing some greasy, slicked back hair, and laid it across his chest like he was making a pledge. "That'd be wonderful, darlin'. Thanks."

I turned away quickly so he couldn't see the look of disgust on my face. The coffee pot was empty, so I started a new one brewing. Then I went to wipe tables, figured I'd take my time and really do a good job before I remembered to get that cup of java. I even ran a fantasy through my head where I made a "suggestion" to the Territory guy that he set himself on fire that night, but I could just hear Jorge Luis telling me to knock it off, that we are called to be better than that or some shit.

I had just decided to head back up to the counter when an arm reached out from one of the tables to block my path. Scared me so bad I jumped about half a klick, but at least I bit back my scream.

Now you might be wondering what could possibly be so startling about someone holding an arm out for a waitress at a diner. Well, nothing really, except I wasn't exactly used to people surprising me. The thing about being able to hear people's thoughts is that I always know what a person wants before they even open their mouth. Hell, sometimes I know what they want before they do. So it was unusual that an arm would've come out of nowhere like that.

So I looked and saw this slim fella with jet black hair and eyes so piercingly blue I couldn't help but stare. For a moment I thought he might be a Federation Admin – he was overdressed for our diner, with his suit and tie and matching fedora – but there was something about him that said he wasn't. His body was lean and hard but he had soft eyes, and with the Feds it's the other way around.

The thing that stood out the most, though, was the fact I couldn't hear his thoughts. In the middle of all the early lunch bustle, and all the stray thoughts flitting around the air, all the lists and worries and secret desires, here was a little bit of silence. The guy just sat there, looking up at me with a gentle smile on his face, and I started to wonder if I'd lost my mind.

"Excuse me, miss," he said in a soft voice, tipping his hat.

I finally remembered myself. "What can I get for you?"

"How 'bout lunch?"

"Well that's perfect, cause that's what we serve." I nodded at the menu on the table. "What would you like?"

"Actually, I meant I'd like to have lunch with you."

I just stared some more. Most guys I could just take a quick peek in their heads and know exactly what kind of game they were playing. This guy? He was a shadow. Something told me I should just run and hide, play it safe, but there was something intriguing – a little dangerous and maybe even a bit sexy – about a man I couldn't read.

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