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The racoon stood in the middle of the newly re-arranged room, dusting off his hands, before placing them on his hips with pride. He had just, once again, rearranged the furniture in the apartment living room, something he tended to do a lot, but something that still gave him some sense of purpose. He had moved the couch to the center of the area this time, the TV against the wall, and the small table pushed against one of the arms of the chair, too tall, and too small to be a proper coffee table in the middle of it all. In a week's time, he'd probably be doing this again, but that was fine. He liked how it looked right now, and he liked having something to do with his time.

Safe to say, MePhone didn't get out much. His brother, the one with an actual job, was out doing... Whatever it was he did-- never bothering to tell him. He'd return later, probably with dinner, and his weekly payment. It was Friday today, and they usually got takeout on Fridays.

Outside of this, he didn't have much to do. Him and his brother had been living in this apartment for almost three months now, and it was nice. It was nice, but... Well, MePhone didn't do much. As pathetic as it felt to be in this situation, his brother was the only person he still had in his life. He wasn't going to start thinking about what happened now, because it just wasn't the time, but the point was, he didn't have too many friends... If any at all, really.

Of course, it wasn't like he was trapped in this apartment. He went outside a lot, being a person who really appreciated fresh air. Plus, their apartment complex was really close to one of the nicer parks in the city, so that was always fun to go to. He also tried to talk to people sometimes, but it was just really hard to strike up conversations with strangers without feeling awkward, or creepy. So when he did go out, he tended to stick to himself.

This wasn't the worst thing in the world, it was... Just how it was, really. He didn't mind. He was still trying to pick himself back up from what happened anyways, so... This was fine. He was sure he'd start making friends or something eventually... Hopefully... Okay, maybe he was starting to get a bit antsy being so bored all the time. At least back in... His old home, where he grew up, things were always happening. Even if it wasn't always exactly fun there, it was still something. Even though he was safe now in this apartment away from all that, he hated to admit it got so boring on the regular. It didn't help that his brother was always out working. There wasn't even a set routine to what he did, either. He'd go out on some days, being gone before MePhone even woke himself up in the morning, and out until the sun was setting, or already out of the sky. It got lonely.

He also couldn't help the creeping feeling of him being unproductive. All he did was chores. Rearrange things, go outside, it was starting to become a cycle, and he didn't want to fall back into one of those. It was awful living under one so strict while growing up, so he wanted to be as relaxed in his days as possible.

That didn't mean not doing anything, but...

MePhone just sighed, pacing around the room as he thought about what he could do. He couldn't help but hold his tail, petting it, and smoothing out the fur a bit as he paced-- a nervous habit of his, trying to figure out anything he could do.

4S was always gone doing work, so he had to do something with his days. If he had to rearrange the living room one more time, he felt like he was going to go crazy, even though he was trying to convince himself it was fun earlier, it was just a bit tiring.

His mind wandered a bit, really trying to think about things. His eyes wandered to the small clock they had hung up on the wall about two weeks ago. It was around noon, and he had a whole day ahead of him. Maybe he'd just go wander for a bit today. That usually ended up with him at least being able to kill time without thinking too hard about it.

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