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 As I lay there on my deathbed, Listening to the others in my head, the only, "real" family I've ever had. The only ones who have ever fully been there for me in my 83 years I've been alive in this rock we call Earth. The only ones who have shown they truly love and care about me. I lay there and stood up from the couch to exit front, and walk out the door to the living room. My body in the real world slowly falls asleep. I can hear the heartbeat slowing. I look around the room. I see everyone I've been with all these years, chatting and making all those little jokes of theirs that used to annoy me, but now I crave. I crave to hear them, I crave to spend my last few hours with them. I look out and I see everyone, I see Elver in the corner as he always does, looking out at everyone, I see Joseph and Yuri in the hallway holding each other whispering sweet words into each other's ears giggling as they make jokes. I see Ari looking at pictures of our system's lost Husband who passed hours before. I see my real family, acting like nothing is going to happen but we all know time is running out.

As I sit in the hall to the fronting room I take in what's left of our family, I hear everyone talking to each other, even those who have yet to fully become accustomed to system life. I wish they didn't have to come to existence in our last hours left. Our last days to be matter-of-fact. I wander the house looking at all the things we've done. The paintings and writings and baked goods, the clothes and toys and half finished projects we never would have done as our bodies have been impacted by the true bodies' injuries and illness'. I watch the littles running around and playing since they are unaware of what's to unfold. I see the mother of the system running with them giving them the last good moments of what's to be eternal sleep. I wander back into the body. I listen and feel my heart rate slow. The beeps become further and further apart as I slowly fade away, the voices becoming echo's to whispers. I hear everyone saying their goodbyes, the couples standing with each other and the friends giving goodbyes.

The house slowly crumbles away, falling into dust. The walls come down to reveal the endless white void of pure light. It doesn't scare us, we just feel at peace, for once in our eternal suffering. We feel at peace. As the crumbling house and mind gives in to the need for rest, the people start crumbling too, fading as the invisible destructor reaches them. The couples stand in parallel as to go at the same time, I'm hesitant to say, die. The littles keep running, unaware of the crumble. They too fade away as their final laughs echo. Sorrow filled tears paint the hardwood floors a darker tone. Dust of the lost lovers coat a ever so slight layer as the remaining few exchange their final words.

Elver sits and watches his once loved friends and family fade away, waiting for his time to end his misery as he has lost everyone as he has in the past. Eventually as the remaining house crumbles, I begin to miss the once chatter filled house. Veir playing his guitar and the riffs of our lost husbands childhood songs, Yuri's dishes and pots clattering as she makes breakfast for the kids. The soft hiss of the gas stove. The littles running footsteps. The faint sound of lips hitting each other for a kiss. The banging of doors in the morning and cabinets as they race for the only shower. Elver, too, crumbles with a misery filled smile, wishing he would have had the guts to confess his love to her. Glad his sorrow is now forever gone. I begin to crave those sounds again. I lay there in the body smiling ever so slightly knowing my time has come. I hear the faint hum of the flatline on the monitor next to me. I feel as the chilled air slowly crumbles my body. As I too fade as the others before me. I lie in the now endless void. Only a small fragment of me is left.
See, I see the void darkening, as it too. Loses life. It begins to only show fear, pain. He can't think, nor feel, or live. Only exists. He too, is floating into the darkness, as the pain filled cries of agony for help echoes his slowly crumbling mind, or what's left of it. As the brain loses all will to fight, it finally gives in. as Ray's family gives one last touch of his now lifeless body. At everlast, I shall say Nevermore to the pain that has been inflicted upon Ray's poor mind. For Nevermore is the last words to leave the lips of Him. We all say, Nevermore.

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