Chapter 8

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                  Upon entering the given room, my first thought is to sit on window seat. Looking out to the sky and seeing the glowing orange hue from the sky. I was quiet and felt broken. And I felt lost, knowing my family wasn't even existing. I don't know if they were killed or abducted or did it to get rid of me. But the fire was too sudden and planned. It started in the study then proceeded to grow throughout the house.

                   Not hearing Roman stand in the doorway, I got startled when seeing him there when I turned around. "Do you ever think of knocking before entering when a girl is in thought." I asked angrily.

                   Roman smiled and crossed his arms, "Knocking a door in my own household? Do you not see the ridiculousness in that question?" he answered. 

                    I felt my face get hot, he was making me blush. I turned around to face the window again and sighed. My body was tensed and uneased. Roman cleared his throat before speaking. "There should be clothes in the closet for you. My mother had them, but never worn them, so they are still in good condition and technically brand new." 

                    I acknowledged him to give at least a sense I listened. "Thank you." 

                    I could tell Roman was smiling before leaving. I got goosebumps as it seemed weird that he had that effect on me whenever he smiled. His smile was perfect, his body stature was perfect, his eyes were perfect. Everything about him was perfect. Not realizing where my brain was going with this, my instant solution was a shower. Heading to the door and closing it, my feet were moving on their own and went straight to the bathroom to start the shower. Heading to the closet afterwards, seeing what was inside, I was in awed with the amount and how close to similarity of my clothes. But some of it was a bit too sexy as it seemed for other events - but I grabbed, what I was hoping were pajamas, before placing the clothes on the bed and jumping in the shower. 

                    Finally, a bit more relaxed and in pajamas, I climbed into bed to read a book I was able to grab from my room before it burned with the rest. But about five pages in, I was hearing pounding and grunting from the living room. Although it didn't sound like it was coming from the living room - so I headed downstairs with a jacket on since the living room was a bit cooler than my room. Feeling the cool tiling under my feet, the grunting gotten louder as I got closer to what it seemed like a private gym room. Peeking around the corner - was Roman punching a boxing bag and then going to free weights as a final workout. He wasn't in a shirt but sweat pants that looked comfortable and breathable. But his torso was ripped with a six pack and his arms were muscular. His jawline was defined by his thick hair that was melted onto his face from sweat. He looked like something was on his mind, so I decided to leave him alone. Unfortunately, I walked into a stand that had books stacked on it. Quickly picking them up and trying to get the books onto the stand, Roman cleared his throat to indicate he was there. I stopped mid-turn and closed my eyes shut to convince myself he wasn't there. 

                   "You gotta turn around at some point Freya." Roman said. 

                    His voice was hypnotic but it did something to me that wasn't normal. Putting the books back to where they originally were - I looked at Roman and diverted my visual to something that wasn't his abs or face. 

                    "Couldn't sleep?" He asked. 

                     I nodded my head up and down, "And then some."

                     I then took notice of the books that were knocked down. Realizing they were non-fiction of mafias, Roman said I can read them or take a peak. But what I may find would change my view on mafias. I took them all and thanked him.

                     "What about you? Usually a guy punches a bag or lifts weight when he has something running through his mind." I mentioned. 

                      Running his hands through his damp hair now, he shook his head up and down as well. But the sigh was evident that he also has been doing extra work. 

                      "Sometimes too much. With my father's passing, my mothers load of work became mine. She deserves to know what is really important and relevant with us, not the little things like 'police nearby' situations." he responded. 

                       He puts his shirt back on in respect for me and guides me back to my room. Before I close the door, he stops it in mid-track and looks at me. My breathe was caught when his hazel eyes looked at me intently. My legs felt weak and trying to keep my body up with whatever amount of strength I had left was difficult. 

                       "If you need someone to talk to, I'm down a few doors. My mother is a bit further, but if I'm busy to where I can't talk, she's always ready to listen." Roman mentioned. 

                        I felt more at ease knowing two people were willing to deal with me. "Thank you, Roman. I promise that as soon as I find out whose causing these fires now and end it, I will leave your home as soon as I get my own. I don't want to be more of a bothersome than I am now." 

                        Roman smiled and before he closed my door, he said something that made me laugh. "At least it's better entertainment then the butler trying to avoid doing laundry. Especially with my mothers. The man was married and still thinks touching another woman's lingerie is disrespecting her." 

                        "I mean, at least he still has the respect part." I said smiling. 

                        "If you wanna hear the extended story of that, tomorrow at breakfast. Right now we both need sleep. It is going to be a long day tomorrow, we have work to do." Roman smiled back while speaking. 

                         Closing the door, the sense of comfort and love was unfamiliar. I've never really got the clear sense of love and comfort from my family before - so it was new. But he was right, we both needed sleep for tomorrow as it was already late as is. I headed to bed and falling asleep was easy for once.

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