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    A bright blue light shone through the window of the living room. I got up from the couch and went to the gun rack, grabbing my .308 rifle. I thought someone was trying to break into the house, or steal from my hay shed. Stepping outside, I was suddenly blinded by a piercing light in my eyes. I saw humanoid forms. Something hit the back of my neck, and everything was darkness.
    I couldn't see, everything was enrobed in darkness. Although I could hear sounds like talking, I didn't recognize the language. It stops once more, and I hear nothing.

    I still can't see, but I manage to hear something about 'subject zero' before everything goes black again.
    Again, they speak of 'subject zero', and how their experiment was progressing nicely. Was I subject zero? Before I could strain to listen any more, I succumbed to the lull of the darkness.

    Now I'm almost positive that I am subject zero. I can't tell if there is anyone here besides these creatures and myself. They spoke of pushing the modifications past 75%, but I didn't know what that meant. Once more, silence overcame me.
    Finally, I fully awake to sound of beeping. I am encased in liquid, an oxygen mask pressed to my face. Something seemed to be draining out of me, and I lean against the surface in front of me. As it collapsed, I fell face first onto the floor. My long brown hair fell in front of my eyes, so I brushed it out of my view. I was just glad to be able to see again. Where the fuck was I?
    I pushed myself off of the ground, and ended up falling on my ass. It hurt more than it should have, and once more I tried to stand. This time I supported myself on what seemed to be a surgical table. I looked around and spotted three doors: One directly in front of me, and two on either side of that one. None of the doors had any handles, but a panel. Off balance, I stumbled towards the door, pressing the panel.
    The door opened, and I made my way through, clumsily. Ever since I had gotten out of the tank, I'd been off balance. My entire body felt strange as I shuffled through the corridor in front of me. Another panel lay ahead of me, and I pressed it.
    Almost immediately I was hit with a cold blast of air. Stepping through, I flailed for a railing, as the wind nearly knocked me over. Finding a railing, I looked over it.
    I seemed to be flying above someplace over North America, it was covered in snow. We weren't too far away from the ground, and I figured that I could probably make it if I jumped. But would I survive?
    Hearing footsteps and yelling, I had to make a split decision. I could jump, or get shoved back into that tank. Naturally, I jumped.
    The snow softened my fall, but I was still in a lot of pain. My back was killing me, and I just laid in the snow for awhile. I couldn't make myself stand straight up, so I ended up crawling forward, in hopes of finding shelter nearby. I began to slide down a slight slope, towards an icy river. Perhaps I could break the ice and get some water.
    The cold didn't seem to be bothering me, but what I saw when I looked at the ice terrified me.
My eyes were no longer their original dark green with a white sclera, instead, there were green vein like lines that seemed to change shape constantly, surrounded by a dark yellow colour. My pupils had completely vanished.
I began to check the rest of my body for changes. On my arm, from my shoulder to just before my wrist, there were light blue coloured scales. The scales felt rough to touch, but nice. On my legs were the same scales, and instinctively I looked behind me. The reptilian tail that protruded from me caused my eyes to fill with tears. What had happened to me? Lifting up the grey tank top that I was wearing, only to find more scales. Checking my mouth, I saw that my teeth were jagged, sharp like an animal's. Tears started to run down my face, all that ran through my mind was the fact that I was a monster.
I heard growls behind me, and I quickly whipped around to see a pack of wolves all growling and baring their teeth at me. Instincts took over and I glared back, baring my own teeth and growling. Whimpering, the wolves scurried away, tails between their legs. Did they think of me as an apex predator? Not wanting to see if they changed their minds, I headed in the different direction.
It didn't take me long to figure out that the cold no longer affected me. After what felt like hours of wandering, I came across a small cabin in the middle of the icy woods. If this were a horror movie, then I'd be worried about a murderer inside, but it seemed that I would be the monster anyway, and headed in.
Nobody was inside, but it seemed as though someone had been there recently. A generator was still running. Following my rumbling stomach, I found some kind of smoked fish and devoured it all. Next, I wanted a shower.

It didn't take me long to figure out the cold didn't bother me anymore. After what felt like hours of wandering I came across a small cabin in the middle of the woods. If this was a horror movie this would be a really bad idea but there weren't many options for shelter for the night so I decided to take it. I opened the door and called out to see if there was anybody here but it look like someone was here some what recently as the generator was still running. I quickly explored the cabin and found some smoked fish of some sort  I devoured all of it without second thought I hadn't realized that I was hungry until I got my hands on some food the next most important thing I found was a shower. I decided to get back to it after I checked out the rest of the house there was one bedroom and, a living room that had a couch and couple of chairs and best of all a fire place. Even though there was no fire started it wouldn't be that hard for me to start it, at home we used a wood stove heat the house so this wouldn't be to challenging.

I enter the shower knowing the house was empty I turned on the hot water letting it heat I stripped off the clothes I had on as I waited for the water to heat up. Once the water had heated up I stepped into the shower. The second the water touched my body I let out a sigh of relief. I leaned against the wall of the shower and slid down till I was sitting on the floor it was then I noticed that the scales on my arms flared out becoming sharp so that you would most likely cut yourself. I closed my eyes and started to cry I tried to stop but I couldn't all I could think about was how my mom , my sister and, girlfriend would call me a freak the one that worried me most was my girlfriend she was always there for me. When I got out of the shower I had worked up the courage to look myself over in the mirror. I was just as shocked as when I saw the changes at the frozen lake. I had lost three inches in height, I was thin before but now I looked dam near anorexic.  The thoughts of being a freak and being nothing more than a animal went through my head as I got dressed and started the fire. All I could think has I drifted into the familiar darkness I call sleep was I am a monster.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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