Chapter 9

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                 Waking up to the most freshest, delicious smells of waffles wafting through the air - made my stomach growl. But getting the strength to climb out of the bed was the difficult part as my body felt heavy from last nights' shower. I knew, though, that Roman would send his butler up to get me so I had no choice and to get out of bed if I didn't want to be babysat. So being able to put on the jacket I've found earlier, I headed downstairs and got greeted by Roman's mom. Giving me a gentle hug and smile like she did the day I met her.  It felt nice to be welcomed and acknowledged in the room - rather than walking into a room with just people reading a newspaper. 

                "Mornin', Gerrard had made homemade waffles. So help yourself with any toppings, how many you want, what to drink. What's in the household is for everybody. That includes the gym or target practicing rooms." Roman spoke gently and with a smile.

                I smiled back softly. I wasn't used to this treatment, and it did feel nice. I did grab some food and coffee - making it the way I've always had my waffles and coffee. Sweet. Sitting down to eat, Roman looks at me and his smile disappeared. Usually that means there was news and not the good kind. I looked at him and his mother from time to time, hoping to see a slight change in both of their expressions.

               "What's the matter?" I asked.

               "Your house, is under investigation for a possible Homicide." Roman answered coldly. 

               His mom softly smacking him in the arm with a newspaper she was reading, she looked at me and then motioned to me. Letting me see it for myself on the TV.


                           A massive fire suddenly began at late hours of Saturday, March 8th, at approximately 11:09 pm. Police arrived at the scene, finding no signs of the family living inside. The inside is completely charred to where nothing is salvageable. The source began in the study of the Mafia King, Salvatore DiStellio, making this now an attempted murder. The house is under investigation whether there were prints left behind from the perpetrator or perpetrators in order to put this tragic and horrible act to an end. 

                         As you can see, there is above coverage from the night before as the police and firemen get to the scene to tame n' hopefully put out the fire.

                         If you or anyone you know have any tips to help police get further to solving this case, please contact your local police department or the tip line down at the bottom. 

                         Back to you Harrison."

                   I sat there in the living room, stoned. I couldn't believe what I was watching. But I've noticed something odd. I grabbed the remote quickly from where it laid by Roman. 

                  "Wait a damn moment..." I spoke softly. 

                  But I guess Roman heard me because his attention was grabbed as soon as I rewind to the footage. After seeing what I thought was weird, I paused it to where the fire had illuminated towards the west wing or the backyard balcony. A small figure running away towards the trees that stood up. Roman sat up and so did his mother. They both were questioning the same thing. 

                 "Who could that be dear?" Christina asked.

                 "I don't know. But now, I have a score to even out. And this person will not live to see the next day again." I said angrily. 

                  Roman scooted away from me - as if he saw the rage in my eyes. My body language proved I was not happy or in the best of moods. Christina, took a picture with her phone and she immediately called her sources to look at it to see if a facial recognition were to assist us. 

                  "Now dear, I'm going to tell you what I tell my son, help a little bit BUT leave the rest to the police. You and WE don't want you getting into a worse predicament all because of this mystery person." Christina mentions.

                   I look at her in disbelief, I was ready to rebuttal her point, but she quiets me by putting her finger up. Not saying a word, I huffed and started walking to my room. 

                  "Freya wait." Roman called out and racing after me.

                  Once reaching it and laying down on the bed, I just stared at the ceiling. Again, I felt like my skills have been underestimated. I'm still seen as a kid. But I'm not a kid, I'm an adult with specialized training. Why is it that I want to do something, I get put on a leash and told to stay. A gentle knock on my door interrupted my silent and self arguing. Roman stood there, with a worried expression. He knew I was going through enough, but having to do nothing about it is what kills me the most. I scooted a bit further onto my bed, letting him join me. He saw the settle notion and laid down on my bed, staring at the ceiling like I was. 

                "Talk to me Freya." Roman said softly. 

                I closed my eyes, trying to keep the burning in my eyes from becoming tears. "Everyone thinks I'm still a kid. I'm in my 20's and I can't even be taken seriously. My family is missing, my house is burnt down to ash and charred pieces. The person who caused it is out there free. And when I want everything to end, by my hand, I get told "stay" from those who don't know my capabilities." I blurted out. 

              I sighed again and apologized for no reason. Roman laughed when I apologized, which made me feel a bit better.

             "And for the record, I don't think your a kid and I took you seriously. I saw the rage in your eyes. You're still seeing red. I know what that is like because I lived it for years until I took care of the problem I had. And if you want to this to end, sometimes you have to do it yourself on your own time. You can't keep depending on others to help you. My father learned that the hard way and now he's no longer here. But I took matters into my own hands as my closure." Roman spoke. 

             I looked over at him, he was looking at me. Both of our eyes locked onto each other. Both of us were quiet as we allowed the outside world fill in the room's silence. Downstairs the TV was still going, Christina must've left it on before leaving the room. He and I did seem to care, before I knew it, we were about to kiss - but I had to break it quickly before I regret doing something that I cannot take back.

             "I have an insane idea. But your mother can not know about this and definitely can not see us." I mentioned.

            "What is it?" Roman asked after clearing his throat and grabbing his composure.

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