Lighting Storm

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Warning: Sexual content in this chapter, read at your own discretion

Sir Darryl walked Terra back to her room, Terra was about to invite him in but suddenly a young guard came running out of no where and slide to a halt in front of Sir Darryl. "Sir you're needed in the dungeon, the bloke down there ain't talking very sensibly!" The young guard informed Sir Darryl. "Lead the way!" Sir Darryl commanded and left with the guard. Terra sighed and walked into her room alone. Not even Maria was there. Terra sighed as she took off the dress Maria has picked out for her.

She had slipped out of the dress when she heard a knock on the window. Her head turned sharply towards the noise and saw General Alexander standing on her balcony outside in the rain. He was motioning for Terra to open the door. Terra quickly snatched the dressing robe off the bed and threw it on. She then ran to the balcony and opened the door for him. General Alexander stepped inside of the room and sighed as he took his hood off. "General Alexander" Terra greeted him "I was told you had went home and how did you get on my balcony?" Terra questioned him quickly as she wrapped her arms around herself. Terra was glad she had locked the door, it wouldn't be a good thing if Maria walked into the room and saw Terra in a dressing robe and General Alexander standing closer to her than was appropriate.

"I did but something important made me return, the reason for my return is confidential and I am afraid that it meant I had to maintain a level of secrecy so I snuck back into the Palace but I nearly got caught by a guard so I went out of a nearby window and started scaling the wall of the palace and your balcony just so happened to be the closest to me and easiest thing for me to get onto. Terra knodded, she wasn't happy with the answer he gave her but she knew it wasn't her place to try to pry information out of him. She just had to hope that they would be caught together, it would end badly for both of them. Terra was about to let him out into the hall when she heard voices appear behind her door.

"So we have to stand here all night?" One guard asked in an annoyed tone. "Aye you heard the captain, until the threat has been dealt with we have to stand guard over the contestants room!" The older sounding guard told the other guard in a very stern voice. The first guard sighed exasperatedly but Terra didn't hear anymore word of complaint from him. Terra stepped back from the door and panicked about what she should do. The most logical thing would be to let him leave through the balcony but just then a thunder roared and a flash of lighting could be seen through the glass of the balcony door. The rain had turned into a thunder storm. Terra in good conscience couldn't force the general out in weather like that, not when he was wearing numerous pieces of metal which would make him more likely to be struck by lightning.

General Alexander quietly walked up to the door and very gently placed his hand on it and said a few words underneath his breath. A purple force field bloomed from his hand and covered the door and the surrounding wall. Terra had read enough about different spells that she recognised that the general had casted a spell where no one would be able to hear what was happening in the room but they could hear everything being said outside. "Smart decision!" Terra commented quickly while putting a bit of distance between herself and the general. General Alexander took off his cloak and threw it on a nearby chair.

Ten minutes alone with the general was making Terra's mind think things that she never thought she would think. The general had removed his suit jacket and thrown it on top of his cloak. He had unbuttoned half his shirt and kicked off his boots which were encased in sheets of metal to add better protection, he also tossed his socks into the boots so they wouldn't go missing. Terra's mind couldn't help itself but think about how attractive the general was. It was as clear as a sunny summer's day that the general was in peak physical fitness. Terra could see a few of his well toned abs from where she was sitting on the bed. Her mind kept putting dirty explicit thoughts into her head and Terra was terribly embarrassed by them. She barely knew the man and here she was thinking about of it would feel for him to be on top of her.

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