Part 18

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***** Flashback

POV: Hannah

It has been five weeks since I started working for Mr Park and it has been so exhausting. The job, the pay and the people are good, although they have so many specifications when it comes to the kitchen. I don't mind following the house rules, I don't mind cleaning either, but the kitchen...I was afraid that I would mess up and lose my job. I did not want to lose my job; I needed to raise enough money to get my sister and myself out of this country.

The Park brothers were so fortunate, truly Gods' favour was over them. They didn't have to worry about money, about anyone arranging a marriage for them nor abuse. Maybe God should've made me a male instead or not at all. How wonderful it has to be to have everything at your fingertips, and worry about absolutely nothing but your health. I envied them so much.

Gideon seems to have a socialite personality. He's not too serious about stuff, he's kind and generous and he tries to make everyone around him laugh and feel loved - what a lively human being, one could never stay angry at him - maybe that's what Ms Abigail sees in him, such a favoured woman.

Then we have Mr Park, what a lonely man. All he does is to seclude himself in his room and only come out when his brother is close to coming home. He did not talk much or at all on some days, truly I felt for him. Not long ago he was fortunate enough to have been walking but now he was bound to a wheelchair. The only people he would invest his time in was his psychologist, doctor and physiotherapist - when his brother was at work. I would always try to create small talk but he would never really acknowledge me unless he really needed to. He did not look like an angry man, in fact, he wasn't. His demeanour was very calming and soft but he did not like to be around people, maybe he was an introvert that loved travelling to avoid people, if it makes sense.

I felt so alone in the house but I had to remember that I was only here for a job. If Mr Park chose me for the job, why was he giving me such a hard time? I would see him mingling with other people but not myself, was that fair? I was his caretaker but I was also a human being with feelings. Maybe that was his boundary with me and I had to respect that.

Nurse Kelly would always come over to check on him and I observed how he would seek for my presence and talk to me. Eventually, it became a habit every time nurse Kelly would pop up, I would have to create small talk with Mr Park. It was odd but I was only doing what was being asked of me as his caretaker.

"Hannah!" he called out from his room.

I was in the living room when I heard his call and I quickly ran to his room. I found him on his laptop, as usual - with his back turned against his untouched breakfast. "Yes sir," I answered, as I closed the door behind me.

"How are you, Hannah?" he calmly asked.

"I am fine, sir...and yourself?"

"I am very much okay, Hannah," he replied, placing his laptop on the bed. "Have you noticed how I have not touched the meal you served me this morning?"

I nodded in confirmation.

"Why do you think that is so?"

My eyes went to the breakfast and I could not tell why he had not touched it. I had made him some scrambled eggs and bacon with peanut butter bread and some tea and orange juice on the side. "What is wrong with the meal that I have prepared, sir?"

He was not scary to look at, he was not frowning at me nor had he raised his voice at me. Never had he raised his voice at me. I stood close to the breakfast and he turned to look up at me. In the softest voice, he told me, "I do not eat peanut butter, Hannah."

It hit me. "Apologies sir, I confused you with Gideon. I will correct this mistake right away," I said, taking the breakfast away.

"Hannah," he called. "Do you mind brining me oats, instead?"

"I don't mind, sir."

"Thank you." He turned his back to me and took his laptop from the bed.

Since that day, I had never used peanut butter in the house again, only Gideon used it. I have since wondered if Mr Park ever got angry. Maybe he was just a nonchalant person who enjoyed staying in the comfort of his own presence and sometimes, with his loved ones. I wondered if he would ever walk, maybe until then, I would keep this job and raise enough money for my freedom. 

*****End of flashback

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