Chapter 20 A Car Chase

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Exiting the bank, Daniel and Katherine made out Dirk and Axel approaching them.

- Seems like you two are not fast learners after all. I'm afraid I'll have to teach you one more lesson. - Daniel's voice as firm as possible.

-Stay out of it you sorry-ass "James Bond" and hand over the girl, or you'll regret it. - wrath twisting Dirk's face.

- Wrong answer, you half-wits. - in the blink of an eye, Katherine's stalkers were lying on the ground, trying to come round.

Seizing the moment, Daniel and Katherine rushed to the car. Having got in, Daniel started the car and pushed the pedals hard, leaving the two criminals behind.

-Get up, you idiot! We need this bloody thing they collected from the bank! - exclaimed Axel. - Get in the car and don't lose sight of them!

The rest of the drive was a complete blur. The car getting at such a high speed that Katherine went dizzy, fearful of throwing up. Seasickness was something she has suffered from since childhood. Daniel taking turns like crazy, trying hard to break away, but Dirk and Axel were not giving up easily. All of a sudden, the back window shattered, shards of glass flooding the seats.

- Damn it! They started shooting.

Daniel took a glance at Katherine. Fearful of getting hurt she squeezed into the passenger's seat, covering her face and head with hands.

- Hold on tight. - Daniel warned her.

One more shot, now hitting the window next to Daniel.

- Sherlock!

- Yes, professor.

 - We desperately need to make these two lag behind. There is a great deal of civilians out there. No return fire possible. Any options?

- A collision would be a good idea. There's a patrol vehicle not far away, and, I hate to tell you this, sir, but we've exceeded the speed limits in this area, so the police are on their way.

Daniel could hear the sirens at the background.

- I've got an idea.

A series of turns and manoeuvres led to Axel, Dirk and what looked like a dozen police cars crashing into a patrol vehicle not far from Westminster Abbey.

- Feels like these two are really good at slaving the police away. - with this remark Daniel was trying to soothe Katherine a bit, watching her being in shock. Terror readable on her face.

- It's all right now. There's nothing to be afraid of. Are you hurt?

- Nnoo, I thiiink... - words  refusing to come out of Katherine's mouth. Scratches covering her palms and face.

Daniel examined her carefully:

- As soon as we get to safely, I'll see to those scratches. They don't look good.

- I'm... I'm fine, trust me. Well, not, not wounded, at least...

- Sorry for the hectic ride. I didn't want to scare the hell out of you. It was the only way to outrun them. 

 -What is the meaning of this? -Katherine was trying to catch her breath upon this mind-blowing car chase. 

-What exactly do you want to know? -inquired Daniel driving along one of London's avenues.

-Where did you learn to drive like that, I mean, it's not everyday that one get themselves into a car chase? You could have easily joined a formula one race with such a talent.

-I do have gifts, you know.

-Well, that's not what I'm asking. -a curious look still touching her features. - We are in this together, aren't we? And we've nearly got killed a while ago, so why don't you open up about the matter?

- You must be really stressed out, I understand, but, are you sure you want to hear it?

- I am. - Katherine waiting for him to confess.

- Very well then. I'm a former MI 6 agent.

You are what? - Katherine couldn't believe her senses. - I knew it! There was something about you that I couldn't figure out, something mysterious. Now that you confessed it's all becoming clear.

- I used to work for an anti-smuggling agency, but a few years ago had to quit for reasons that I'm not going to reveal, for the sake of confidentiality.

- Well, that explains a lot. I'm not going to interrogate you on the subject. We all have secrets to keep to ourselves, after all. Do you miss the job?

- On occasion. I have to admit though, that upon my resignation, my life is far from hazardous. 

- That must be of comfort.

Their little chat made the trembling go away a bit, and Katherine could finally exhale.

- I suggest we stop at a hotel to put ourselves in order and breathe out a bit.

- Fair enough.

- And one more thing, I reckon it's better that we leave the car at the car park outside the hotel. I doubt that such damages would go unseen. We have to lay low and attract as little attention as possible now. It will take a while for those two bastards to get their car on the run after the collision, nevertheless, a train trip is going to be quite reasonable given the circumstances. I'll take care of it. 

His firmness gave Katherine a boost.

- Sorry for being rude. I'm so confused.- Katherine tried to somehow soften the words she blurted out upon the chase.

- That's fine. It's been a crazy day.

t's good to have someone by your side whose mind is not clouded by worry while I'm trying to get over this madness.

- Oh, God, you're bleeding! - Katherine exclaimed seeing blood drippling from Daniel's cheek. 

- No worries. It's just a scratch. - Daniel comforted her.

- I'm afraid, it's not. Let me see to it.

- It's fine, trust me.

Why are men so indifferent and stubborn when it comes to their health!

They parked outside "Rubens At The Palace" hotel. 

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