Chapter 1, Awakening

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The two human figures bobbing in the water caught the attention of everyone on the ship. Not a single living soul saw the two go overboard, but it must have been during last night's storm. Almost no one had any idea who they were, though some remembered they were a young couple that never stated their names. All anyone knew about the two was that they were fairly young and that they had a twelve month old baby they had named Sebastian.
Questions were murmured all around, but everyone had three similar questions on everyone's minds; Who were these two before they drowned, how and why did they go on the deck during such a horrible storm, and what would be the fate of young Sebastian would be. Some people claimed that they should kill him so he could be with his parents, but all others argued for the boy to live. After all, the caretakers at their destination were more than able to take care of a young child. After the arguments had been resolved, everyone on deck started to talk about the various reasons they were going to their destination.
Out of seemingly nowhere, someone pointed out the island coming into view. The refugees all turned to look at it, to feel awestruck in its very presence. They were all too amazed by the island to notice the fog, creeping slowly from either side of the ship. When the fog reached the ship, one by one, they all started to fall asleep, not waking when they hit the deck. Even though the people on the ship were all fast asleep, the ship still kept steering itself perfectly towards the island. When it reached the shore, the sleeping passengers were all teleported onto the beach.
        When Sebastian was teleported onto the beach, he had been wrapped in a blanket with an S sewn on and a book was nearby. The book was green and had no words on the outside, and the pages inside were blank. When some of the passengers woke, they thought that the ship had crashed and they washed up. They mainly thought this due to their boat being gone, basically disappearing from existence. The refugees that were awake started to wake the others, with the exception of the baby Sebastian. An already awake man saw Sebastian and picked him up with his surprisingly strong and muscular arms, as well as the green book with no words on the cover.
A nearby woman pointed out a small sign with the word "Sanctuary" etched on it. Close to the sign was a path that was dimly lit by lanterns that seemed to be burning for years, never going out. Since they didn't know where else to go, they followed the path in a single-file line. While on the path, everyone talked quietly to each other about their new lives on the island, making sure to not wake the small child. After walking uphill for a while, the refugees noted that they were in a jungle now. They all were wondering how this scenery change was so fast, but they didn't linger on it for long, they needed to keep going.
The path eventually straightened out, leading to a grand marble staircase. They all stood and stared at the staircase in amazement, but they didn't admire it long. Slowly, they ascended the staircase, wondering who crafted these beautiful stairs. When the staircase ended, at the top was a large arch, also made of marble with the words "The Sanctuary of Light" carved into it. They all crossed underneath it, also wondering who made these beautiful marble creations. Behind the arch was a large, churchlike building, not made entirely of marble, though some of it was. When they all got to the front of the building with its wooden double doors, a short, brown haired nurse opened the door.

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