Whispers of Enchantment

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 In a mystical and enchanting world filled with carefree witches and magical creatures alike, there lived an enigmatic and wild witch, Moss. With their wild and eccentric blonde and pink hair, they were often thought to be odd and most stayed away from them.

There's another witch, one calm and serene. She never shied away from an opportunity to be near the wild witch. Her name was Mere. She stood beside Moss, not judging their "odd" looks. She thought they were beautiful, they had the most beautiful green eyes, and the face of a god.

Moss noticed how often Mere looked at them, she was the one thing to make them feel shy. She made their cheeks turn red and they'd look away so quickly it was almost like they were hiding. But when Mere wasn't looking, Moss took small glances and peeked at her. Her hair was in locs, orange and black. She radiated warmth and looked like sunshine. Her skin looked soft and reminded them of hot cocoa. Her smile was brighter than the stars. But Moss knew they'd ruin everything if they moved closer. They wanted to feel her, they wanted to love her.

Shockingly, their paths crossed one night, their fates intertwined with one another. Moss and Mere found themselves tangled, drawn together like moths to a flame. Their contrasting powers collided in a storm of emotion and longing.

Their love was seen by others as an oddity, a defiance, and even a forbidden enchantment. Moss was accused of enchanting the beautiful witch with their wild magic, drawing her into their evil ways. Mere was pulled away, yet kept fighting to come back.

Their love, though forbidden, continued to blossom . Yet as it grew, so did the whispers amongst the covens. The other covens were unable to accept the union between chaos and calm, so they rose up against the two lovers, casting them into the shadows.

Moss and Mere desperately tried to cling to each other, holding onto memories and poems. In the end, they became nothing but love torn apart and lost to the ravages of magic.

Alone and heartbroken, they search endlessly for a way to find eachother again. They try to break the spell, yet it's proven over and over again each day, some spells just can't be broken. 

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