-.Shit happened, I wanna die, kill me.-

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I hate my life, I lost my friends, I feel so lonely sometimes, sometimes I wonder why my life is so fucked up

I wonder why nobody loves me like they love others, I wonder why my parents don't treat me as a daughter, why they treat me like a fucking pawn in their game,

Is it fucking me?

Am I not good enough for this world? Am I really that bad? Am I that big of a fucking disappointment?

I am so fucking tired of my parents, my friends, drama, life.....every fucking thing. I am so tired of fucking living at this point but im too fucking scared too die....

I actually wanna kill myself... I think i'd be better for everyone to do that.

If i tell my shit or how im feeling to people they call me a fucking pick me but if i fucking don't say anything tehy call me emotionless..

Im fucking scared and nobody realizes, my freinds ditched me for someone else they don't even notice im in teh same fucking room as them, I guees trios don't work out, fuck ig my life didn't work out.

I can't fucking wait until im grown up to figure my life out because if its already this bad at this young age i can't even fucking imagine it when i grow up.

I am actually so fucking tired of just fucking living

I am so tired of people discriminating me because of my gender and skin color and the way I fucking look.

I am tired of being compared to someone by my parents but not being able to compare myself to someone.

I too fucking young to have all this shit put on me.

I just wanna fucking live a normal life

like all my friends are

but I cant

Because appernatly I am not enough and I never will be..


I am so sorry I vented that much but I'm in a hard lace rn and I need someone to say it to.....How are all of you???

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