Dear Emerette

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     Dear Em,

Dear Max,

     Are we being old fashioned? Sending letters to each other in the twenty-first century, I mean. I know most of your social media accounts and you know mine. Is it not easier to message each other there?

No, we are definitely not old fashioned. And yes, we do, but the guidelines said we shouldn't see pictures of each other.  I just feel more at ease when we write letters. Also, Max, I have this sense of reality towards letters. With social media I have this feeling of being guarded. Like nothing real can honestly just fit into a screen. With letters however, there is this feeling of truth. Of feeling. Because you know a person wrote this. That that person cares enough to spend a few minutes of his or her time writing a thoughtful letter.

     I really want to meet you. Ever since we became pen pals through 'Writer', I cannot stop thinking about the first time we'll meet. Will you laugh at my looks? I don't think just writing our descriptions will help the fact that our imaginations will run wild if one of us just says 'Oh, hey, by the way, I have black hair and green eyes'. (I hate the guidelines that state we can't give each other pictures or anything else other than a letter.)

I really want to meet you too, Max. And I also cannot stop thinking about the day we will finally meet. I would hurt myself if I ever laughed at someone's looks. Most especially if it's yours. Do you have black hair and matching green eyes? If so, I can tell you that I'm brunette and I have light blue eyes that are nearly gray. My mum always used to teased me about them being like the storm clouds that roll over sometimes.

     I might fly to London to visit a friend. Los Angeles is nice, sure, but I really want to see you so badly, Em. I'll be there by next month. Can you please tell me where I can meet you?

     Love, Max.

Life here in London is always so gloomy if you talk about the weather. Sometimes it's hot, sure, but it's mostly sad clouds that cry. So are you sure with your decision? It's December next month. The weather will be dreadful. Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely be delighted if you came to London!

Love, Em.

P.S. I have nothing to do on Christmas and I don't have anyone to celebrate it with. If you really want to meet me, meet me by the London eye on December 23rd at 7 in the evening. We could celebrate the holiday together!

P.P.S. I'll be wearing a panda hat. It's not hard to miss.

I read over the letters once more as I wait for my friend James in front of the airport. I just arrived in London and it's already snowing. I already regret not bringing out a sweater from my backpack. All my sweaters are at the bottom, so no use in getting one out now. I smile at the little smiley stickers and the heart sticker that Em managed to sneak in all around her letter before folding her letter and a copy of my old one, tucking them both into the pocket of my jeans. I glance side to side for any sign of the ten-turning-eleven minute late bastard.

I grab my phone from my pocket and I sigh in relief knowing that the sim card I bought online is working. I click on the only contact I have before pressing call.

"Hello?" a groggy voice asks as I hear shuffling from the other end. I put on my best threatening voice before answering with forced clenched teeth.

"James, " I growl out. "You forgot about picking me up. It's December twenty-second."

Letters to Emerette O'ConellyWhere stories live. Discover now