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They stepped into the darkness of flat, and slight jingle of the keys broke the intimate silence. Plastic bags slipped out the big hands, tired of another long and draining day. Sneakers, pushed under the drawer. Jackets, shook off the weary shoulders. Room was now filled with sounds.

Roger picked up the packets, about to carry them to the kitchen, but lingered for a second near the older one and looked at him.

- You're my best man, you know? – he said, mildly kissing the slightly exposed collarbone with his eyes closed and nose snuggled up to soft skin.

Brian nodded faintly and rested his head on the rounded shoulder.

- Okay, Bri, I need to go, – recalled young man after a while. – Bri? Find me in the kitchen, then.

Exhausted as he was, Brian left standing there, his body still refusing to believe that awful day was over. He knew, however, that he couldn't stay like that for ever. Roger needed his help – he was supposed to make dinner.

- Don't know what I should do with all that stuff, but I chopped the potatoes. If I remember correct, you often do somethin' like that in this fully magical place, – greeted him enthusiastic voice when he stepped into the room.

Roger turned around, meeting Brian's gaze, and the latter saw eyes full of hope that he's doing the right thing.

- You're just perfect, – assured Brian, cuddling the eager one and kissing him on the forehead.

- Well... O-okay, just sit here and do nothing, I will deal with the rest, – smiled Roger, embarrassed a little. – Read one of these unbelievably interesting magazines I wanted to throw away long time ago or take a nap or shower or...

- Rog, – interrupted a soft voice, – I'm not leaving you here.

- Yes, you are.

- No, I'm not. C'mon, you hate cooking!

- I do, – chuckled the young man, resting his head in slender forearm.

- Then, go; take a shower, as you advised... Honestly, that's alright.

- Thanks, love, – whispered Roger mouthed and disappeared in the door.

Brian gently shook his head and continued chopping.

- Oi! – exclaimed the chef quietly, as he cut his finger.

"Doesn't matter" – he smiled.


Pretending that he is reading one of those his-lover-would-rather-throw-away magazines, curly man was throwing quick glances at his fellow. They were quite evident, Roger concluded, but he was too busy simulating hard work to reveal his interest.

Finally, he gave up.

- What? – smirking, Roger questioned.

- Nothing, – shortly replied the teaser in a slightly provoking manner.

- I bet there's something! – whooped the suspicious man, suddenly jumping off the couch.

Brian shrieked as the blond straddled his knees and started tickling him mischievously.

- Don... Don't you... Roger! Dammit... – choked the attacked one from laughter.

- What have I heard? My man, my one true love, Brian... – Roger gasped, panting from the activity, – Harold May, swears bad words? In my house?!

- In oour ho-ouse, stop, for God's sake! – the one true lover let out a shout, feebly fighting for his freedom.

- Oh, now you've remembered God! Too late, and he'd better not see this, – with that, Roger grabbed his lover's shirt and loudly kissed him on both cheeks.

Doesn't Matter ('Till You Love Me)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum