9 - Runaway bride

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Hoesoek shifted the girl still clinging to his back, he shook her off, catching her and carrying her in his arms. His muscles flexed and bulged. She wasn't heavy at all, it wasn't even bothersome to carry her. He trekked back up the mountain, girl in hand.

She looked so peaceful. Fair locks of hair fell carelessly around her face. He wanted to move them away to study her features better, she was a beautiful specimen. She smelt so good to, she smelt like wild lillies and nasturtiums.
Her scent reminded him of when he was younger, he'd always find his old home smelling like this. He rolled his eyes closed, taking in the scent and keeping it with himself. It made him feel at home, comfortable.

He reached more level ground and knelt down to place her on the grounded.
Her face felt hot, he looked around, but couldn't find a cloth. He ripped his shirt off and dashed to the stream. He dowsed the shirt into the cold water and wrung it out loosely. He dabbed her face gently with the cool cloth, folding it in half and placing it over her forhead and eyes.

"Her skin is so smooth..." His tongue flicked out and his eyes dilated. He caught himself quickly, before he did anything untoward. He assessed her for any possible dog bites and bruises, she was fine thank God. He decided that it was best to let her rest for now, if she didn't wake in the next twenty minutes, he'd try to wake her and see from there.
She didn't look too ill nor did she appear injured. She was probably just tired.

He'd find out what was wrong and who she was running from later. He didn't feel like letting her go back though. He felt an indescribable possession, he wanted to protect her and he wanted to do everything for her. He growled at the thought of her belonging to anyone else. She belonged with him, he nodded to himself and cast a cursory glance around the area they were in. It was getting brighter, light starting to seep through the clouds. It was probably around five in the morning now.

He looked around for something to do, while he waited, and his eyes caught sight if some brambles and a bush full of berries. They were plump and red, which meant they'd be sweet too.

He stalked over and shook a branch, ripe berries fell abundantly. Kneeling down to collect them, he found himself lost in thought of the beautiful girl asleep jusy a few meters away from him, "what was she running from?" He thought.

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Fifteen minutes later:

The young woman opened her bright green eyes, to find herself staring at a large chest. Hoesoeks bare chest greeted her first as he loomed over her, checking to see if she was alright. She paused, eyes fixed on his sculpted torso.

He stepped back studying her, "how are you feeling", came his deep voice, gravelly from all the howling and growls he let out. She blinked up at him again and after a beat, smiled up at him sweetly. "I feel free!" She beamed at him, taking him aback. No one's smile made him feel so proud and happy.

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