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In shadows cast by fleeting light, 

A tale unfolds of friendship's flight.

 Once entwined, like vines we grew, 

Our bond now shattered; skies turned true.

Through laughter shared and tears consoled, 

Our friendship's history brutally unrolled.

 In innocence, we danced through days,

 Blissful moments, now a haunting haze.

But storms arrived, a choice so fierce, 

A friendship tested; choices pierced.

 She turned away, a cold disdain, 

To seek a path, leaving me in pain.

A new best friend, with hatred laced,

 A choice that left my heart disgraced. 

In bitter yells, words were hurled,

 As she embraced a world unfurled.

A hatred made, wounds left unhealed, 

A tapestry unraveled; friendship repealed.

 Yet, in class we meet each day, 

A ghost of friendship staring, in disarray.

Her laughter, once a melody sweet, 

Now grates on my ears, a bitter beat.

In solitude, like a silent room, 

A friendship lost, left in gloom.

Gazing through the glass of time, 

I think about what once was mine. 

In the canvas of our shared past, 

The echoes of a friendship cast.

(damn bro i miss her)

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