First meet

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It was a cold day in December in snow's ganny's house (didn't wanna use the real name)

Her mom was going to a party with some of her closest friends
That snow never met.
Her mom forced her and her sister to go because they all had planned to bring their kids

Snow was the complete opposite of her name
She was fun,sweet,caring, everything you could imagine
She had dark brown hair that looked completely black and even darker eyes

After she went to the party
She saw that only one of her mom's friends came
She had a child who was 5 years old
And since snow had no one else to talk to She went to the kid
(Kid's name is tabitha)
Tabitha and snow started bonding

Afterwards, more people started coming

A cute boy with a green shirt
Came nd sat next to snow
They become friends almost instantly

After talking for a while, snow got up to go and talk to her mom
As she was walking she saw a guy
With a white shirt
And she completely froze
It was love at first sight,
She signed to herself and said
"Ugh, there are so many cute boys here"
Afterwards 1 hour went by
Snow was scrolling on tiktok
And her sister said "ay isn't that guy from our school?"

No, I've never seen him before

Ugh I know what I saw
Wait, I'll go nd ask him

Snow watched as her sister got up, walked over to the boy in the white shirt.

SEE!I told u he was from our school

Really? He said yes?
Snow smiled
"DID u ask which class he is in?

Yea, he's in one grade higher than you

Hours passed
They both became friends
She found out his name was Ian
Ian...Ian..Ian ily <3


K, that's all for today
Words : 315

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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