| 1 | - Staring

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Chapter 1 - Staring

Staring. You did this without meaning to. It was an unbreakable habit. And it just so happens that Brody is the victim of this little habit of yours.


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<<<Third Person ; Y/n>>>

You were in 4th period, Math. More specifically, Algebra. You were bored, having a couple minutes till class was over. You sat at your desk. Your elbow rests on the desk as your head rests on your hand. Your eyes scanned the room, until your gaze unintentionally fell on Brody.

You scanned over his figure as he worked on the worksheet your teacher gave the class moments ago. From his short, slightly fluffy blonde hair, to the way he fidgeted in his seat. Everything about him seemed to draw you in. Your breath hitched and caught in your throat when he turned, you two making eye contact.

You stared at each other for a split second, before you quickly looked away. You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment at being caught. Your heart beat had sped up, almost racing. You took a deep breath as you squirmed in your seat, now a bit flustered from something so small and insignificant.

Suddenly, the bell had rung. You immediately gathered your things, it only being the backpack you've had since the beginning of the year and your colorful, iridescent, water-bottle. You rushed out of the classroom, your shoulder brushing against Brody's as you both walked out at the same time. You walked the opposite path of Brody. While he went left down the hale, you went right.

You clutched the strap of your bookbag as you walked among the dozens of people trying to not be late to their class. As you made your way along the dreaded halls, you felt your stomach knot with nervousness. Or, at least what you thought was nervousness.

Actually, this was your body's involuntary reaction towards Brody and everything he did. You, however, seemed set that it was just your nervous system acting up. Finally, you had seen your 5th period door. You sighed and let out an audible groan. 5th period was always boring. Since the teacher was only a couple years away from her grave, she didn't teach much.

You quickly grew bored in her class. Sitting at your desk, you grabbed your ear piece and put it inside your ear. Then, grabbing your phone from your backpack. After unlocking your phone, you unpaused the music, 'DayDreaming' by Ariana Grande playing. Your cheeks went red and hot when the only thing that would come to mind became Brody. The way his voice sounded when he spoke. The way his dark blue eyes sparkled under the light. The teasing tone in his voice when he was speaking to one of his guy friends.

After minutes of daydreaming about Brody, the bell had rung. You once again, as annoying as it was, grabbed your stuff. You walked out of her class, giving her a quick, "Have a good rest of your day!" then quickly leaving to 6th period. Which, you always had mixed feelings about. And now it was definitely a mixture of dislike and dread. Both because of two factors. One, your teacher. She gave you so much work and she was just overall too much.

Two, Brody. See, in 5th period you had the realization that you most definitely had a crush on him. In which, now you kinda want to gut yourself for it. As you walked down the halls, towards your 6th period, your stomach did that thing where it feels like butterflies are inside it and then they flipped your entire stomach. Yeah, that kinda thing. When you walked inside the room, your eyes immediately fell on Brody. Your heart fluttered as you made your way to your seat. Brody sat in the row next to you, a couple seats away.

You forced your eyes away from Brody as the late bell rung. Instead, your gazed forced on the teacher. As class started, you found it difficult to focus since your heart was beating relatively fast and your stomach felt like three monks had flipped your organs upside down and back again 37 times. Maybe you were sick..or maybe you were crushing on Brody...hard. You went with the latter. You were definitely crushing on Brody.

One thing still confused you; where the hell did this new found affection come from? You swore you have never felt this way about him before. Brody, the guy who probably has undiagnosed anger issues. Maybe you were just delusional? Or allergic to Brody? Maybe-...probably not. ...okey definitely not.

You and Brody had made quick eye contact and you felt your cheeks heat up. The eye contact went on for what felt like forever, when in reality was most likely only a couple seconds. After those couple seconds, your breathing caught in your throat and you looked away. Maybe you were overwhelmed by the mere feeling Brody's eyes give you. It's just..I mean.. He looks at you with such..intensity.

Yeah no. You were definitely delusional. So delusional that you hadn't even caught onto the fact that it was your turn the read a page in the book the class was reading. 'Right...' You thought inside your head, feeling a bit embarrassed for being so distracted by Brody. "U-Um...Where are we?" You asked, your tone shy and warm, a bit nervous too. Your teacher sighs and shook her head, her black and blonde curled locks moving back and fouth slightly. "You should pay more attention. Page 87." She told you with a sigh. Her tone was a mixture of disappointment and disapproval. You nodded your head and began reading out loud.

God, you stuttered horribly. Almost every other word. 'God dammit.... Screw you, Brody..' You thought, mentally cursing him inside your head for making you this flustered. After your torture, you had barely paid attention to the rest before the bell had rung. Once again, you picked up you stuff and headed off to your 7th period. Honestly, 7th period was probably the most unhinged, chaotic, stupid, atrociously abnoxious, class you had.

Once in 7th, of course you sat next to your bestie, Candy. It was about the only class you had with her. Well, unless you count Algebra, but you two don't even sit anywhere near each other. With a sigh, you sit into your seat. Which was right in front of Candy. You turned towards Candy, laying your arms on her desk in a circle, then laying your chin down on them. "I have a crush. Like a bad- bad one!" You whispered looking up at her. You sounded desperate.

She only smirked at you as she, herself, leaned down as well. "Ooo~ Who is it?" You groaned as you hid your face inside your arms. "Brody..." Immediately, you heard a surprised gasp and a giggle. "Oh? Didn't take you for the type to like football guys." You rolled your eyes as you kept your head down, giving her the middle finger. "Fuck you-" You mumbled, putting your hand back down. You really disliked her at times.

'Goddamit!' Now you were thinking about Brody. The way his voice sounds, how it drops when he whispers. God... You would beg on your knees just to have him degrade you as he whispered in your ear... How you desperately wanted him to grab your waist.. To touch you..

Your eyes widened. Your cheeks went red and your heart beat skipped. A mental image displayed itself across your eyes. You squirmed in your seat as you tried to pay attention to the minimal work you were doing. But..your mind kept drifting.. To Brody.. His voice... His eyes.. His hands.. 'Jesus Christ y/n, get it together. Stop thinking fucking perverted thoughts already.' You thought, rubbing your temple with your fingers. You eventually turned to sit properly in your seat. Your teacher starting class, by starting, I mean, letting you guys have a free day.

And before you knew it, school was over.

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⋘ Chapter 1 - End⋙

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