Heart Shaped Lollipops

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A low growl is heard, on a cold Wednesday afternoon in the Agency. Snowflakes slowly start to descend towards the ground as Atsushi Nakajima, stares out the window. It's a cold day, a very cold day, it's rare for Yokohama to have relatively cold weather, plus snow for that matter.

Another growl is heard, perhaps I should get something to eat, but it's so cold out and I really don't want to walk through all that snow... Atsushi ponders his situation, should he get food from a restaurant or cafe, perhaps he should just wait until the end of the day and then find some food. Besides all the snacks were in possession of Ranpo and there's no way he'd be willing to share, well, without a price at least, when he glanced over, he could see Ranpo sitting at his desk with his feet propped up on the table. He looks bored which I guess is understandable. The only snack or candys Atsushi could see on his desk was a bag of chips (that looked basically empty) and a small box of red lollipops (they didn't really look like they sooth his hunger).

"Hey Atsushi?" A soft voice asked, Atsushi quickly glanced over. Oh, Kyoka he thought, he remembered helping her join the agency not too long ago, she's seemed happier ever since she left the mafia, that blank glare in her eyes doesn't seem to be there anymore. She didn't deserve to endure all the pain and pressure the mafia put on her, no one deserves any of that. He remembers their first meeting on the train, around when he first joined the Agency. What he thought was going to be another average day, turned out to be the same day he met someone who he now considers a younger sister, he always thought their relationship had that type of feel.

"Oh Kyoka, hi! Is there anything you needed?"

"You seemed hungry and since we don't have anything important to do right now, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the cafe under the Agency?"


Cafe Uzumaki was the cafe located under the agency. As Kyoka and Atsushi where seated in there small booth, the snowstorm outside seemed to settle down, still not the most ideal weather to go outside in, but the snow looked soothing. It reminded him of a dandelion after you blow on it to make wish, it slowly blows through the air until it cascades towards the ground. The sight makes him smile.

"So, what are you thinking about getting?"

"Hmm I'm not sure, do you think they have boiled tofu?"

"Umm, no I don't think so, but there's many great options on the menu!"

"Hmm" Kyoka glanced down at the menu, taking her time to choose what she wanted.

"Maybe I'll get some milk tea, and some donuts."

"Okay, whatever you want Kyoka." Atsushi smiled at her, and she slightly smiled back at him. He actually felt very relaxed right now, maybe it was the relaxing aura of the cafe or the snow gliding through the air and onto the city streets. It felt comforting, something that he appreciated, even a small moment like this definitely made his afternoon better.

Suddenly he heard footsteps approaching him and Kyoka, snapping him out of his thoughts. When he peered over, he saw a girl with red braided hair with bangs, she was wearing the employee's uniform for the cafe and well, not like it meant anything, but her face it was just so.......

"What would you two like?" She asked, Atsushi quickly looked over. Jeez, he's been more spacey today.

"Oh! Um two milk coffee and um!!" Atsushi quickly searched the menu to find what else him and Kyoka wanted. Gosh this was kind of embarrassing; he couldn't even order a simple meal let alone read this stupid menu. His face was definitely red now, making this even more embarrassing for himself.

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