Chapter 1: New Tribe Orders

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During one evening in Wolfer-Caruko household, holds the residence, Alex, Ben, and Bruce, and their guest, Nurse Hops. Alex enters the living room with mugs of green tea and hands them out to every one. After his small task was finished, he sat next to Ben and nuzzled his arm. "So, Nurse Hops, you mention your husband many, many times, but we never really see him.", Alex says, curiously. The small little bunny places down her mug on the coffee table in front of him. "That's because he's in a lower ranked tribes then you. I'm just the nurse, so I get to see both you guys and him.", He explains, happily swaying his feet back and forth. Probably thinking about his husband.

Alex and Bruce's eyes were wide as they both glanced at each other. "Wow, the still do that?", Alex says astounded by what he just heard. "Do what? I'm not really in the tribe, so, heh, please explain-.", The confused bunny asks, though, he ponders about what he said for a bit and understood. "Ohhh, you mean how tribes still exist.". Alex nods as a response. "Hm, your husband must be very old school if he's in a tribe", Bruce comments, also still perplexed on the topic. However, Ben is utterly confused on what everyone is talking about, and decides to butt in. "So,... umm, hey guys, what's a tribe?".

The other three looked at each other. "Its nothing, only canines and certain others can know, its a rule", Nurse Hops said, somewhat side stepping Ben's question. "Yeah, the most I can say is that my ancestors left their tribe like, generations ago", Alex said. "Oh wow, your family's old", Nurse Hops says, surprised. Alex chuckles a little, "Yeah, me and Bruce never knew what experiencing a tribe lifestyle was like". The bun bun nods in understanding, but the realizes something. "So, the two of you mustn't have heard about the new rule for tribes then." The two wolves shake their heads in confusion. "A new rule?, What's it about?", Bruce asks.

"The rule is that every wolf in this country has to join a tribe now", Nurse Hops explains. "But, it's terrible cause the training regiments are even harder and more painful then before". The three of them gulp in concern, though, Bruce seems the most annoyed by this. "Join a tribe? Yeah, no, I'll pass thanks", He says, waving his hand as if he was shooing a fly away. "Unfortunately, you guys have too, and I only have these cute bandages, so I'm not prepared for this-", Nurse Hops whines out loud. Ben crosses his arms, pondering about this situation. "I've gotta know, why do you guys hate tribes so much?", He wonders. Alex just sigh, gathering his thoughts on what he can and can't say. "Well, many reasons actually. The higher ups are so annoying and rude, while the lower class gets treated like trash, and their forced to worship their higher ups like a monarchy".

"Like, a story passed down from my Great Great Great Grandfather was of a whole cafeteria of lower class wolves. The moment that they noticed he walked in, they all stood up and bowed toward him. The only way they stopped was when he yelled at them, telling them all to stop bowing to him, cause it was creeping him out.", Alex continued. "Lets also not forget how rude they are to us nurses, they probably don't respect me cause I'm a bunny!", Nurse Hops pouts, thumping his big foot. "That our they just wanna eat you-", Bruce added,... mostly due to intrusive thoughts. "BRUCE!?", Ben and Alex shout in complete shock.

"I DON'T WANNA GET EATEN!!!", The poor bunny starts wailing, as he thinks that he's gonna die. "Bruce, why would you say that? Please apologize to him", Ben says. "....Uhhh, well, ok. Hops, look, we won't let anyone eat you, and I'm sorry for scaring you like that", Bruce says in a comforting tone. Nurse Hops sniffles the urge to cry away, so he can try to speak. "It's ok, I just hate this new tribe rule. It forces all wolves to join, and if they refuse the police will get involved-". The atmosphere is the room changes rapidly, as this just got more serious then they original anticipated. 

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