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"Food.." I mumbled weakly placing my arm on the brick wall.
I shook head.
Eat them! Your hungry eat! Eat! EAT!!
I screamed and grabbed my head trying to stop the voice.
Ever since they put that evil bitch Ari's heart in my she's been driving driving me insane. She always tries to make me eat but I don't want to. I don't wanna be a monster!
(Every time something is in bold italics and ends with ~♡ it's Ari. The only time she really is going to show up is in this chapter!!)
"No Candy. Bad. No humans!" I threw myself to the ground.
I put my forehead on the dirt gravel and covered my ears while whimpering.
Suddenly I heard footsteps enter the alley.
"Miss, are you alright?"
I gasped and looked up to see a human man coming towards me.
"No! G-get away!!" I screamed jumping away.
Eat him! His flesh will taste delicious! I promise! You'll love it!!!~♡
I whimpered as shook my head before glaring up at the human hungrily.
I flashed my one eyed kagune and he ran off screaming after he sent a terrified look if fear.
Idiot! That should if been dinner!!~♡
"No" I mumbled.
I let out a sigh and leaned against the wall weakly.
I let out a ragged breath and threw my head back so I was looking at the stars.
Suddenly there was a scraping noise across the ground.
"Hm?" I quickly looked up and saw that it was a white haired boy with red eyes and stiches dragging a scythe behind him.
I smiled slightly and sat up.
"Kill me" I ordered the young investigator.
"Wha? Why would you want me to kill you?" The kid asked cutely.
"I-I don't wanna e-eat. Make I-It stop " I whimpered quickly using the wall to stand.
I stumbled towards him. He quickly held out his scythe.
"H-Hey! Stop! I'll kill you if you come any closer!" The boy exclaimed.
I stepped closer.
"Do it. Kill me. Please! I'm a monster, I can't do this!" I exclaimed walking towards the blade.
I stumbled over my feet and fell forward.
The boy quickly dropped his weapon and caught me.
Kill him! I wanna eat his flesh!!~♡
I felt my one eyed kagune turn on and quickly pulled away stumbling back and landing on my ass.
"Damnit, go! I've never eaten someone before and I'm not planning on doing it now" I exclaimed as tears ran down my pale face.
The boys face softened.
Don't even bother he's just like the rest of them. He doesn't care. He keep you alive and make you feel more pain! So kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! KILL HIM!!~♡
I screamed pulling on my hair angrily.
"I didn't ask for this! I didn't want to be a ghoul!" I looked down at the ground as tears streamed down my face.
"What do you mean you didn't want to be a ghoul, you were born that way, right?" The boy asked standing in front of me and staring down at me a slight frown etched across his face.
I shook my head and sniffled.
"No. I'm the result of an experiment..... I didn't want this, they did this to me. They tried to get me to kill someone but i ran away" I explained.
Uh oh! Things are about to get good!~♡
Suddenly a dark chuckle echoed through the alley me and the boy sat in.
My eyes widened.
I quickly looked behind me and saw my brother.
He was like me but the experiment changed him, he used to be so kind. Now he was a monster like me but worse, they brain washed him. He used to be so calm.
He stared at us hungrily.
"I'm here to take you back Lil sis" he smirked, showing his sharp teeth.
"No, I'm not going back!" I exclaimed forcing my body to stand.
"The hell you aren't, im taking you back.... right after I kill this kid" he laughed evily before activating his quinque. His arm became a crystal and he formed the crystal so that his arm became a crystal sword as he glared at us with his ruby red eye.
I watched in horror as he lunged at the boy.
I quickly jumped in front of him and gasped when a pair of crystal wings sprouted from my back and I quickly covered me and the boy with the wings.
Wings won't hold him off~
The boy just stood looking at shocked. I smiled weakly.
Suddenly I felt something stab through my stomach.
I let out a scream as blood left my mouth. I looked down and saw the crystal sword leaving my stomach.
My knees went weak and I fell to the ground.
"We'll that was easy" I heard Shu chuckle.
I glared at him.
"You monster " I muttered.
He glared and slammed his foot down on my stomach wound.
I screamed in pain and squirmed around
"We are both monsters you stupid little bitch" he rolled his eyes.
"You know it's not very nice to lie mister " I heard the boy giggle.
Suddenly Shu was tackled by the boy.
I watched as they fought. They're attacks were even until the boy sliced off Shu's leg.
Shu fell and glared before using his long crystal arm to throw the boy away. The boy crashed into the wall behind me.
I gasped and tried to get to my feet but was stopped by Shu's foot slamming down on my back .
I used as much strength as I could and threw him off me landing in a standing position as he flew across the ally into a car.
I quickly ran after him and let crystals leave my wings and shower down on him.
Suddenly I heard the boy groan
I quickly turned and looked over at him.
"Watch out!" He exclaimed.
Suddenly I was tackled to the ground.
I screamed as Shu began stabbing me over and over and over again.
I fell limp and watched helplessly as the boy attacked him again.
But when the boy looked at me he was thrown away again.
I watched in horror as my brother ran at the boy again.
I manged to stand again and ran in front of the boy and put out my wings again.
But as soon as Shu slammed all of his strength in to them I heard a crack.
I looked at the boy with wide eyes as he shared the same look.
Suddenly my wings crystals shattered into millions of pieces.
I quickly used the rest of the strength I had and spun around and kicked Shu sending him in to a building.
I stumbled foreward slightly before falling.
The boy caught me and carefully set me down.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't save you" I mumbled as things got blurry.
"No, hey wake up chick! Hey its not nap time!!" He exclaimed.
I sent him a small smile before passing out.

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