23 | missing a Y chromosome

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Solan jogged down the hill towards Wes

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Solan jogged down the hill towards Wes.

He returned within minutes, and we all looked at him questioningly. In response he passed a scrap of paper around that had a sloppy grid coordinate written on it.

Our eyes settled curiously on him.

What in the world do we do with this? At least the other missions had clearly stated objectives.

He shrugged. "I'll figure it out. Aldric, secure the perimeter and draw up a sector sketch. Arthur, build a lean-to we can disassemble in less than thirty seconds. Ryn, start a fire and get that rice going. It will be dusk soon." He said, alluding to the fact that the fire needed to be out before then.

We all nodded and began our tasks as Solan returned to that scrap of paper, pulling out his map.

Arthur and I quickly surveyed the area, finding the best place for a small shelter that would blend in easily with the natural terrain. I followed behind him, starting to craft a place for the fire as Arthur began securing branches together with a chord.

"Oh, here we fucking go," Arthur murmured under his breath.

I looked up from the flint in my hands to whatever caught Arthur's attention.

Calvert. He was strolling towards us with his signature smirk.

I glanced at the evaluators, who were all hovering over the Troop Commanders a few hundred feet away.


I focused back on the logs, not wanting anything to do with Calvert.

"Arthur." Calvert greeted slyly. "Nice little spot you picked out here." He said, stepping between Arthur and me – lifting both hands to rest on a high branch, leaning over me.

I refused to look up at him and focused on my task.

"So, how does this work?" Calvert asked, shifting all his weight to one foot.

"How does what work?" Arthur asked in agitation.

"Things with her. You know? How do you guys decide who fucks her at night? Do you have some sort of rotation? Or is it more kinky than that?" Calvert said coolly.

Embarrassment colored my cheeks at his vulgar words. My heart plummeted. Is that what the perception is?

Arthur stopped working abruptly, his chest barreled, and his eyes snapped angrily to Calvert.

My heart plummeted again – but for a new reason entirely.

"Don't, Arthur. Let it go," I said, forcing a tone of disinterest in my voice. I didn't want Arthur to get in trouble over me.

Calvert laughed.

"So she controls you now?" He scoffed. "She fucked herself right out of prison and into the position of the queen bee of Echo... well, I have a few positions I'd love to put her i-"

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