no one cares baby girl

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"AAAAAGGGGHHHHHH IM FOINF TO KIPL MSYELF" yelled this fatass girl named victORIA. shes very fucking ugly and fat. and she should die cause shes an asshole bitch too. "SHI THE EUFKC UP NOBSOY GIVES A SHIT" yelled top girl nakayama. shes hot and nice i like her. i jsyf ripped the loudest burp oh my god anyways victORIA waddles her fatass up the stairs falling down halfway then ascending back up. u r not the main character girli. she takes her shoes off CUTELY and perform the rest of her actions CUTELY and SEXILY cause she WANTS and DESPERATELY needs to GET a FUCKING MAN but shes A WHORE. "W-WAIT POOKIE BEAR DONT DO IT!" yells Kakakakakakakakakenenenenenanana a super sexu but skinny anorexic slut. she gets men and her asshole isnt tight. "wwwwhat?!?! but everyone hates my uglu fat ass!" "w-well i dont pookie.. come have sex with me bro im a slut.. need more bodies on ma list.." "YOU SLUT YOU DONT CARE" she jumps "NOOOOOOOOOO I WAS JOKING AROUND YOU DUMBASS" ruhroh! shes dead who cares no one 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔⁉️⁉️⁉️😨 anyway

"maybe if you werent so fuckinf fat the dress would FIT, andriella. BUT YOURE FAT. 130 pounds is WILD." said victoria, the better version of victORIA whos PRETTY. "sorry bro my bad..." andriella mumbles. "you fucking better be. youve gotten fatter ever since you stopped participating in PE, i swear to god. its like the only thing keeping your ass from getting fatter and actually keeping you fit was a wank ass school physical education class. its pathetic."
"damn ok"
they drive home and suddenly some faggot named RARARARARARARARRAR flies in through the fucking window "AUGH i LOVE YOU gromsko!!!" suddenly these 2 other guys fly in too "WHEN DID KRUEGER GET HERE WGAT-- OH SHIT AAAAAGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
they fucking evaporate

"..ok" victoria said

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