Chapter 11

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              Pulling out my phone, I handed it to my mother who was able to work her magic even more. I continued holding Freya as she was still shaking. My main concern was making sure she was safe and quiet and calm. But this man made a mistake by targeting me and those within it.

              Turns out this man was working on a bounty hunt that was given years after I have killed his father. But it is weird that they are now going after me, my question is why they are targeting Freya as well? 

              Everyone was staying quiet in the bunker until the sirens had went away, luckily there were some weapons in the bunker, thanks to my father. He was always prepared for the worse, hoping it wasn't going to happen, it did and it made this circumstance even worse. My mother was watching the whole thing on TV when the police and firemen arrived to the house. Yet another broadcast on the news. 


                            The Marchettis' household is now the next target of a fire. No bodies were luckily found, meaning the family had gotten out before the main damage occurred. This occurred at 9:25 am this morning, not even twelve hours after the DiStellios' household catching fire. This will now be considered a serial arsonist. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, make it aware and contact the nearest department.

                             If you know who is causing these terrorizing attacks, please call your local police department or the tip line down at the bottom of your screen.

                             Back to you Harrison."                         

                    This guy was getting a kick out this. He was getting publicity on TV all because he started a attack on one house to the next. This guy will attack again, and the police won't be ready for the next or have the resources to even catch this man. My mom was furious when she saw the house charred, glass shattered over the yard and more kept coming up. They grabbed information that wasn't relevant to the fire. But it was information that they should not have. Her memories were burned because of the man - the pictures of her and my father were gone, her files were gone and more to say the least. This guy is asking to be hunted and to get us riled up in order to go after him. A game of cat and mouse. 

                     This game was going to played though. The man was asking it. But how did he know where I live when I only have Freya and Jace who know where my house was at. No one else where it stood. Which made my mind run even more - thinking back now that I had introduced danger back into my mom's life that I was trying to prevent. Now I was getting angry - at myself, at this man, and at the situation. How can I let this happen?

                      Freya glided her hand down into mine, allowing it to be curled around hers. She knew when I was frustrated. Gently giving me a kiss on my shoulder for reassurance. I noticed that my heart rate went down, I was relaxing because of her. She relaxes me and that's all it took to get me to get back to what is in front of me. 

                      "Roman, your mother can't go through another traumatic event. This almost broke her, we need to get this guy in order for us to give her the peace she deserves. She needs to know about the plan." Freya spoke softly. 

                      Listening carefully, Freya had a point. My mother has gone through enough, this was the last straw before she would be done for good. Her features may not show it, but the strips of silver in her hair does. She was burnt out and stressed enough that this could be her breaking point. I nodded to Freya and gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead. I knew she needed her closure and now I do. But my mother needed to know the plan after the fire erupted.

                       "Hey mom, I need to tell you something." I spoke out. 

                        Both Freya and I headed to her, hand in hand, and stood on a angle for my mother to see us. My heart was racing again. This suicide mission is something my mother didn't want to hear, I can see it on her face. But this mission was to end this man and his reign of foul play. 

                        "Kill him. I want this man dead. He destroyed everything your father has created and left behind. Just get back safe and alive." my mother said. 

                         Her violent tone threw me and Freya off. We both agreed to being safe and alive before giving her a hug. 

                         As the day continued, Freya and I were ready. We were able to leave the bunker and go to the garage where is remained untouched by flames. Inside my trunk was a hidden compartment of guns and all sorts of weapons. But it was also our determination of getting the guy. 

                         Leaving the garage and my lot, the engine roared in the distance as we were leaving to go towards town. Freya was loading up two guns at a time with precision - it was impressive. It impressed me each time she were to do something that no one knew of. I couldn't help but smile. I knew that the arranged marriage was something that shouldn't have happened, instead I'm glad it did at the same time as it gave a chance to meet the person everyone said differently of. I got to see the real her. 

                        "So where to first?" she asked. 

                        "To the town. I have a buddy, Terrance Gambino, that knows everything. He hangs around all hot spots that all mafia leaders hang out at and will be in plain sight. None of those leaders knew he was there until their intel was killed off." I answered back. 

                        Freya had a confused look as how I knew this. Her wheels were turning and her hands were fidgeting as if she was calculating something.

                        "So he probably was intelling me as well?" she asked. 

                        "Nope, more like your dad. He was there when very private and big meetings occurred. He was there when my father was mentioned and shared me the information." I said. 

                         "So your intel was intelling of what was going on, then you would kill their intels." she smiled.

                        She was smart. She had hit it right on the nose. I smiled in return. She knew that I killed before, but not to where I had extra help in the making of each one. 

                         "Now I know what happened to my father's intel. He was so confused that I didn't know what happened when he asked me. He thought I said something but my face said no. So he got angry and went on a frantic search mission. Good thing he didn't catch you." she explained. 

                        "He was about hours late, your intel at the time was killed in early morning hours. He was drunk and vulnerable. So easy and clear shot from afar. No one heard the shot from my rifle as I had it modified to be a silent rifle." I smiled and continued to drive.

                        The drive into town was long, but we eventually made it as the sun was starting to pass the mountain line. Now was just hiding in order to make it to Terrance without getting caught.

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