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It had been a few weeks since Charlie was discharged from the hospital, though the doctor who had cared for her met a grim fate for attempting to steal the egg. However, that was all behind them now, as they were safely back at the hotel. The egg rested in its unused nursery, the room kept at a slightly warmer temperature than everyone would have preferred.

Life at the hotel had returned to its usual rhythm, or at least, almost everyone's had. "Hey, Alastor, you know we could make a sweet strawberry pie. It'd be just as addictive as any drug," Angel snickered, attempting to flirt with Alastor. However, the smiling demon vanished before Angel could make any further attempts.

Niffty, always busy cleaning, somehow found time to visit the egg regularly. Whether she was cleaning it or simply keeping it company, no one was quite sure. Meanwhile, Husk kept himself occupied with booze, though he did occasionally inquire about the egg's well-being.

Vaggie remained glued to Charlie's side as if she were dying, though she was still weak from giving birth. "Are you sure you're okay, Charlie? You can take a rest, you know. I'll look after the hotel," Vaggie offered, gently rubbing Charlie's back. Charlie smiled reassuringly, "I'm fine, Vaggie. Besides, it'll do me some good to walk around the—" She was interrupted by a long knock at the door, their peaceful moment disrupted by an unexpected visitor.

"I'll get it!" Charlie beamed before making her way to the door, though her steps were not as high-spirited as she would have liked them to be. Opening the door, her eyes widened as she saw the figure of Sir Pentious standing on the doorstep. "Hell—" He managed to get out before the door was swiftly slammed in his face. Charlie had heard about the attack on the hotel, but for the attacker to have the audacity to knock on the door was beyond bold.

Blinking slightly, Charlie hesitated before cautiously opening the door again. Sir Pentious tried once more, "Hello, Mrs—," but he yelped halfway through as Charlie punched him square in the face before swiftly closing the door again.

"What the fuck," she mumbled softly to herself, her mind reeling with confusion and apprehension at Sir Pentious's unexpected visit.

Sorry for the short chapter, im still suffering with the flur but I wanted to give yall something. Also happy Valentine's day!♡

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