Chapter Three

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A week had passed since that night at Niklaus' house. He found himself worse than ever, being that everyone that he tried to avoid knowing of his addiction, now knew. He spent his time getting higher than ever and avoiding confrontation with his friends at all costs.

Shame. That was why.

The shame that came with admitting that he needed help or that he had a problem in the first place.

His love for his friends only grew deeper each day and he knew that they saw him as the energetic and funny friend before knowing that he was confiding in pills for the means to be such. They viewed him as a strong, lively, overly-sarcastic person. In truth, he was the complete opposite on the inside. Weak, dead, and unwilling to let anyone in who had not already gained his trust by now. Although he was less of the first than he thought, it always felt that way.

The pills momentarily took it all away. He felt at peace when he was not burdened by the thoughts of his empty home and even emptier heart.

It had gotten so bad now, that he was coming to school high and that past weekend, he stayed in bed in the same condition. He figured that nobody at school would notice, seeing as he was quite well at hiding it around Esther and Elijah, or so he thought. Though he would try to fight the sleepiness that it brought upon him, he usually ended up asleep and, of course, Caroline or Stefan would have to be the one to wake him up in any class that Camille was not in. It had them both fuming the entire week.

Their history teacher was beyond sick of the sight of Niklaus sleeping in his class. "Mr. Mikaelson, wake up right this instant. You are not to sleep in my class.", he spoke sternly. Niklaus definitely heard him but chose to ignore it. Caroline rolled her eyes and took a deep breath.

Elena sighed on the other side of Caroline, thinking about smacking the back of his big ass head. "Nik, get the hell up.", Caroline spat furiously in a whisper-yell, turning around to face him. She aggressively nudged him twice and watched him slowly lift his head and rub his eyes, appearing to be in pain with the way that his face scrunched up at the light. He yawned, looking at her and Tyler, who was holding in a laugh. Niklaus shrugged it off, not caring enough to entertain the idea of putting him in a headlock.

Caroline and Tyler's relationship had grown a small fraction since the night at Mystic Grill. He was respectful and he was patient with her as she told him that she had some trust issues that she needed to work through before making anything official with him. She wanted to be able to give him her all but Damon ruined her ability to trust anyone romantically. They went on a date or two after the hectic night and became a bit closer.

Niklaus turned his head to the side, eyeing Stefan.

He knew that the look meant that he wished Tyler would drop dead right in front of him. Stefan only looked down to hide his desire to laugh after reading such crude thoughts from Niklaus' eyes.

The truth is, Niklaus tried to be nice to Tyler in acceptance of his and Caroline's relationship slowly evolving but sometimes your efforts do not matter when the person you are trying to be nice to is a massive dickhead.

He had encountered his fair share of boyfriends that Caroline had no clue were assholes but this one was by far the worst and happened to be the one she would defend the most. Stefan could even tell that Tyler was a He made it hard to not be able to tell. His demeanor and tone were always a clear giveaway as to how he felt about Niklaus and Stefan. Still, the two were forced to stay in line when it came to him because he was in three of their classes.

"Maybe I would be able to stay awake if that bloody excuse for a teacher would close his dick trap. I mean, seriously, do you really need to drag on this drivel about Alexander Hamilton when every answer to every question in each chapter review is in the damn book? Give me a break, how about a project? For God's sake, there is a play about it that I would rather watch one hundred times over than listen to the sound of your voice ringing in my ear like an annoying blood-sucking mosquito.", Niklaus growled relatively loud. The entire class now focused their attention on him.

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