Valentine's Day

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(Im sorry this didnt actually come out on valentine's day, im just a lazy person, but it's the season of love and acceptance so here u are on february 17th or 18th)

"Okay, today you're gonna do it... today's the day..."

24 year old Elvis Cridlington was nervously pacing in his room, dressed in his fire fighting uniform. And today, on Valentine's Day, he was going to confess his love to Penny Morris.

"Elvis!" There was a sudden yet sharp knock at the door. Elvis yelped and asked who it was.

"It's Sam!" the voice called out, "time for work, mate!"

"Uh, yeah, coming!" Elvis threw his uniform shirt over his station wear and put on his belt. He hurried out of his bedroom and was met with Sam, his flicker of bright red hair with a little flare of a quiff sparkling in the sunlight.

"So, what were you saying about 'doing it?'" Sam asked with a smirk.

"Oh, uh..." Elvis blushed, avoiding eye contact, "nothin', really Sam..."

"Oh, relax," Sam playfully shoved his best friend since childhood, "I've known about your feelings for Penny Morris for the longest time."

Elvis blushed even harder, "r-really? I-I thought I was keeping it a secret!"

"Elvis," Sam placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, "with you, nothing is a secret."

Elvis raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean?"

"We're hungry for breakfast," Sam said, walking downstairs, "better cook us something."

"Hey, are you gonna ask anyone to be your valentine, Elvis?" Ellie asked in the kitchen.

"Er..." Elvis blushed, rubbing the back of his neck, "no. I'm more of a loner..."

"Yeah, right," Arnold said as he sipped his cup of coffee, "we all know you've had a crush on Penny for the longest time, dude."

"No!" Elvis yelped, his voice cracking, "I-I don't! I swear I don't!"

"Cridlington, where's my tea?" Station Officer Steele asked as he walked in, a serious expression on his face, "and it'd better not be scalding hot like last time."

"Oh no, Sir!" Elvis shook his head, "not this time!" He quickly poured a cup of tea for his boss, setting it in front of him. Steele took a sip and tried not to throw up. Ellie and Arnold looked at each other, trying to contain their giggles.

"Uh, jolly good, Cridlington," Steele said, "uh, why don't you and Fireman Sam go and meet Firefighter Morris at Price's General Store?"

Elvis blushed. Just the thought of Penny made him swoon, "oh, uh, yes Sir."

"So, Dilys Price hasn't changed her smoke detector for 5 years?" Sam smirked as he, Elvis, and Penny stood in the shop.

"Well, it's up there," Dilys said, pointing with a broom, "and I'm always so busy with my little Precious Norman, and Trevor, and Bella, and..."

"Don't worry," Sam said as Elvis got out a ladder, "I'll put new batteries in in new time, Dil."

Elvis stared over at Penny and blushed as he helped hold the ladder, Sam climbing up it at the same time. She was so pretty, so sweet. His heart beat loudly in his chance, louder than a lovesick teenager on prom night.

"Hey Elvis," Penny shyly said as she turned her head towards him, making Elvis feel flustered, "what's up?"

Elvis stuttered and muttered something under his breath. Penny bit her lip flirtingly and asked, "got a valentine for Valentine's Day?"

"No..." Elvis stuttered, his voice gently cracking, "I-I-"

"The ladder's falling, the ladder's falling!" Sam yelped, clutching onto the ladder for dear life. Elvis snapped back with an "oh!" and focused back on the task at hand.

"Oh, he's always trying his best," Penny giggled to herself.

"Valentine's Day sucks," Norman Price told Sarah and James, "it sucks."

"No it doesn't!" Sarah pouted, "it's a time for love!"

"A time for chocolates," James said, rubbing his slightly chubby belly.

Sarah sighed at her twin brother's... well, brotherness.

"All I'm sayin' is that romance is stupid!" Norman said, slapping his head for the effect of the word, 'stupid.'

"So, now that that's cleared up," Sarah said, kicking a nearby rock as she sat down on a nearby bench, "what are we going to do now?"

"We're going to prevent love," Norman said, rubbing his hands together mischievously.

Elvis put on a bowtie. He combed his hair, trying to straighten out his pompadour, but it had a bit of a mind of it's own.

"Hey, you okay?" Arnold asked, entering the bathroom.

"Uh, yeah," Elvis stuttered out, "I-I just wanted to make an impression."

"On Penny?" Arnold smirked, folding his arms, "oh, I know of your little crush on her."

"Uh, I-I never mentioned Penny!" Elvis stuttered out, blustered, "I-I-uh-have to go. Bye!" Hr quickly hurried out of the bathroom, leaving a laughing Arnold. Elvis wasn't that good at lying.

Penny was sitting in the fire station garden, looking out onto the horizon. She had loved Elvis for so long, but had been too shy to make a move. And plus, what if he didn't even feel the same way? What if he just thought of her as a friend?

Suddenly, she heard a twig snap. She gasped and turned around, only to see Elvis.

"Elvis," she said gently, "I-I-what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to tell you something," Elvis said, sitting down beside her, scooting closer, "it's really important."

Penny stared into his blue eyes, "what is it?"

Norman Price stood behind some bushes, watching the scene unfold.

"How gross..." he muttered to himself, "firefighters in love! Who ever heard of such a stupid thing?"

"I-I-" Elvis stuttered, "I know we've been just friends for the longest time, and I know it's cringy, but will you be my Valentine?"

Penny smiled, "Elvis, are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Yes," Elvis nodded nervously, "I love you, Penny Morris."

Norman tried to suppress his gasp. What was happening right now?

Penny blushed, "oh Elvis, I love you too..."

"So, will you be my Valentine?"

"Of course."

And with that, they leaned in and shared an innocent and tender kiss.

Norman blushed at just the sight of seeing the two of them kissing. He wanted to burst in on this moment, but something held him back. He didn't know what it was, but it was strong and powerful.

Maybe love wasn't so bad after all.

Valentine's Day Oneshot- An Elvny Fanfic by UltimateElvnyFanWhere stories live. Discover now