Different But One: Promoting Religious Harmony in Indonesia By Reeve 7A

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Have you ever heard of the conflict in Indonesia? Well there is a Conflict In Maluku, so in the 1900s and early 2000s the Maluku islands witnessed violent clashes between Muslims and Christians.

Also in Maluku thousands of people were killed, and many more were displaced before the violence subsided in 2002. The purpose of this article is to show to the world that sometimes people do not get along with each other so they put this article to give a reminder that just because of this small problem that they have to make a big deal about this.

Historical, social, political, and economic factors contributing to religious conflicts in Indonesia are the conflicts in Maluku in the 1900s and early 2000s this is a past event that relates to religious conflicts in Indonesia that is happening right now, because it says that Indonesian are still not really happy with the Christians and Muslims either one of them are fighting or both of them are fighting. This started because I think they don't really like what they believe in the religious beliefs of the other people and they think their religion is the best and no other is good so one cause for it is difference in beliefs.

The causes of religious conflicts are because Differences in Beliefs: they might argue because of the difference of their religions and beliefs one or other might think that their religion or belief is correct and the other one is wrong t5his is just a example of why they might argue another example is Competition for power: they might argue for competition and power because they can say for example " Christian has more followers than Muslim" they might say this for power and the competition is to attract people who has the most followers and they might switch religions because of the amount of people in Christian or in Muslim, so this is just are some of the causes religious conflicts could happen.

Religious conflicts will affect communities, individuals, because it will affect the religions also that are not in this and maybe Muslims are living with people that are a different religion and the Christians are having a war with the muslims and then the other religions can also get involved because the Muslims have friends with different religions.

Also the effects of religious conflicts is Loss of life and physical destruction: Religious conflicts often result in violence, including acts of terrorism, armed conflict, and communal riots, Humanitarian crises: Religious conflicts can lead to large-scale humanitarian crises, with people forced to flee their homes and seek refuge in other areas or countries, and many more.

The negative consequences of this war is that the surrounding areas can also get involved even though the Muslims and christians that are fighting. The consequences of this war between Muslims and Christian are that many people will be killed and innocent people will also be killed for being related with the Muslims or Christians.

The solutions for religious harmony or to prevent religious conflicts should promote peace, peace talks between 2 religions that might have tensions between each other, etc.

The conclusion is that religious conflict is a serious thing and that you should be careful because this can lead to serious things and then we should always respect others beliefs and others culture, rituals, and many more. And what you have learn from the effects and causes you can help by spreading awareness and then you can also put posters on what you should do and not do also a quick recap of what I wrote in this article is that even tho were different from others we are still one and that religious conflict is serious in Indonesia and in many other countries too.

References: ReliefWeb. (n.d.). Indonesia's Maluku crisis: The issues - Indonesia. [online] Available at: .Mohan, J. (2019). How Religion Causes Conflict. [online] Medium. Available at: . 

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