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Steven was happy. He had just been at a family reunion, which also counted as his birthday, where he had turned ten. He had been given three new chapter books, a notebook, which if he wrote about a page a day, would last him for years, and a pack of cinnamon flavored gum.

Now, he was with his parents in their black truck, which although it took up a lot of room, and used a lot of gas, was very useful for going off road in the country. Once in a while, it would bump into a rock in the middle of the road, and everyone in the vehicle would go "Weee!!!".

There weren't any clouds tonight, and the moon was full, but it's light was blocked out by the towering skyscrapers that stood above every person on the sidewalks and in cars or trucks.

Finally, they were on the suspension bridge, which meant they were almost home. Here, anyone could see the glowing white orb that was the moon. It bathed the large river below with it's light.

Then, as Steven looked out the window, and his parents talked about work, family, and everyday life, Steven saw a bright orange streak go across the sky. After that there was another, and another after that.

"Hey mom?", Steven started. "Is there supposed to be a meteor shower or something tonight?"

"No, why do you ask?" Then Steven's mom saw it to. "Johnathan, look at this! Did you here about this?"

"I haven't heard anything about a meteor shower," he said. "Just take advantage of it, and see it as another birthday present. Hurry make as many wishes as you can!"

Then, all of the sudden, one of the meteors got to close, crashing right into the bridge. There was a loud booming noise, and shockwaves went down the bridge and into the car. Stepping on the gas pedal, Stevens father got the car to go a bit faster.

They were on the other side of the bridge now, and more skyscrapers were towering over them. More fireballs fell, crashing into the tall structures. Glass and concrete fell onto the streets.

Out of nowhere, one of the fireballs hit the ground in front of the truck. Steven yelped as the truck sailed through the air, and then hit the ground on it's roof. Everything went black.

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