Chapter 1 -- The Meet-Up

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It was a dark night in a forest. Bella was climbing up to a tree to see the forest from up above. When she was balancing on a branch, she had the feeling like someone spying on her, and then she saw two pairs of eyes looking at her. One pair was light-blue and had cat-like pupils while the second one had dark-green eyes and had the pupils like a dog, but Bella knew that they both were humanoid. Who could that be? Bella thought, Who is watching me? She shook her head to clear her thoughts and climbed a bit higher. Bella started to balance on a higher branch, but then slipped. She thought that she was going to get hurt, so she closed her eyes.

She had the feeling of how the floor of the forest was coming closer, but then, when she thought that she was going to collide with it, she didn't feel anything. Bella slowly opened her eyes and to her surprise, she was not even near the floor of the forest, she was flying above the trees like a beautiful bird.

»What?!«, Bella asked herself, surprised, »How am I flying?!« She then heard behind her some claps of wings. Bella ventured a look over her shoulder and saw that she suddenly had wings. She tried to stop because she was still flying forward. »Wow! I can fly. But, how? Not like magic is real...«, she said, fascinated.

She soon felt something fluffy by her foot and she carefully looked down in fear thinking it would be a spider, but she was instantly relieved that she saw a tail coming from her back, not a spider. She now realized that she had a tail as well. »Uhm, what?!«, Bella said, then put her hands on top of her head, and felt something furry there too. She then yelled: »I knew it! I have cat ears and a tail, but I have wings like an eagle, but also whiskers like a cat!« after she put her other hand near her face and felt that there were whiskers, »I am a griffin-human!«.

She then heard some music and looked around her for the source of the sound. Then all of it went black.

Bella found herself back in her room with her alarm going off, she hit stop and mumbled into her pillow: »It was all just a dream!« Bella started to read after she put on her clothes, combed her hair, and brushed her teeth. She looked out of her window for a while and then finally saw Emma, her neighbor and best friend. »Hey!!«, she shouted to Emma. »Hi!«, her friend responded. »Wanna talk outside?« Bella nodded and went outside to see her neighbor. »How are you?«, Bella asked her. »Nothing much. And you?« »Same. Hey, are you going to the same middle school as me?« »Well it depends on what school you're going to... if you're going to the one where we take the bus here then yeah« Bella nodded. They talked a little more until Emma's mom suddenly shouted: »Emma Nikolaidis! Ελα εδώ! (Come here!)« »Έρχεται μαμά! (Coming Mom!)«, Emma shouted back. »What happened?«, Bella asked. »I don't know.« »Well, good luck!« »Thanks«, Emma said, heading towards her house. Bella went to hers as well. Around evening, she wanted to go into the forest a bit, and Bella's parents said that she could.

Reaching the forest, she was more relaxed than at home, since she was alone in the wilderness. She took a few deep breaths while she walked onto the path of the forest. After a while, Bella heard a bush rustling.She thought it was just some animal like a squirrel, but when it got out, she saw a girl, a humanoid girl.

She had black hair and light-blue eyes, but she also had white cat-ears, a white cat-tail and white fur on her shoulders and she had some sort of jumpsuit on her with black legs until her knees. That girl also had cat-like pupils. Bella kind of recognized her. That cat-girl was the first person in her dream with the light-blue eyes and cat-pupils! But Bella knew that there was something more to her, but she couldn't realize what it was.

Before Bella could say anything, a boy appeared behind the girl and had brown hair with dark-green eyes. He also had brown dog ears, tail and a big white spot under the neck. That was the second person from her dream! But unexpectedly, a third person came behind both.

That person was an adult. It was a male, and he had greyish hair and dark red eyes. They also had the same kind of jumpsuit on, but it was sort of a white/grey color. He also had something hanging from his whole arms which looked a bit like wings, which made Bella assume that he was some bird, like the other two were a dog and a cat.

»H- Hello?«, she muttered. »Hello.«, the oldest one answered.


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