Chapter 3

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Soon a teacher came out of the front doors. »Attention every Student! We are going into the school now! I repeat we are going into the middle school.« Bella and Emma were looking at each other, excited. All the students created a row of two and followed the teacher into the school-building and the two besites built the end since they liked falling behind a bit. Bella and Emma were talking a lot to each other.

In front of them was the huge auditorium. They first went to the cafeteria then to the classrooms for the freshly baked 5th graders. Afterwards they went to the biology rooms, which were pretty "pale", chemistry rooms, which were, well, more colorful than the biology rooms., history rooms, which were pretty... history like, German rooms, which had horizontal lines with black at the top, red in the middle, and yellow at the lowest (German flag 🇩🇪), and geography rooms, which had lots of maps in them. Bella and Emma were looking at the rooms closely so they knew how their future classrooms were going to look like. Bella had a weird feeling that she won't go to this school.

The next rooms were the religion rooms. The last one was the sports hall and it was massive. The teacher was very nice and said: »Alright everyone, this is the last thing that we're looking at today and whoever wants can run some rounds here!« Bella and Emma were looking at each other excitedly. »You want to run a bit?«, Bella asked. »Sure, why not? Let's race!«, Emma responded. »Okay!«, Emma's friend answered. »3, 2, 1, Go!« Bella took the lead but with Emma close behind. Be Naruto, Bella said to herself while putting her head forward and her arms behind. She won and cheered at the end. Emma was close behind. She wheezed and Bella asked: »Want to run again? I won't use Naruto-run.« »I need a break... that looked way shorter than it was.« Emma answered, then wheezed again. »Okay, I am gonna to wait for you«, Bella said.

»Attention All Students. The trial day is over. I repeat: The trial day is over. Please head to the exit.«, she heard the professor shout. Already?, Bella thought. »Well, gotta get going«, Emma said. The friends went to the other students to make a row of two. They exited the school and waited for the bus. When the bus arrived they waited for their station and the friends said bye to each other. I am going to go to Mr Highwater's school, she thought, happy and sad at the same time. But how am I going to tell my parents that I am not going to this school? She went into her house, still thinking how to convince them to get to the other school. »Mom? Can I go into the forest again?«, she asked her mom. »S- sure sweetheart...«, Her mother said.

Bella exited the front door and went to the forest. Arriving at the place where she met the three animal people she couldn't see them so she waited and waited. After approximately half-an hour she still didn't see them. »Hellooo??«, she shouted into the forest. Still nothing. She heard something behind her and turned around and it was a white cat, a brown dog and an eagle. What?, Bella was confused. What are these animals doing here, they don't seem like wild animals. Suddenly the eagle started to glow a little. A quick bright flash and suddenly there stood Mr Highwater! The dog started to glow as well and soon there stood Alex. And then the white cat. Now there stood the three animal-humans she saw when Mr Highwater asked her if she would go to their school.

»So, you have returned«, he said. »Yes- Yes I have... and...«, Bella started, brave. »I chose to- to- to come with you.« The cat-girl's eyes started to glow of happiness. »Alright. We will let you have one day at your normal school and convince your parents to let you at our school.« »Only one day??«, Bella asked. »Isn't that too short of a time?« »Hmm«, he thought. »I'll send for over tomorrow Mrs Bolt to wait for you. If you don't come then I will tell her to come every day until you come.« »Okay.« So I try to convince my parents to let me at their school, oof... that'll be hard, Bella repeated in her head.

»We'll be going now«, "cat-girl" said. »Yes, we'll be going.«, Mr Highwater agreed. »Bye!«, Bella shouted them from behind. She then went home, without the heavy rock of decisions laying on her. When she arrived she went into her room and wrote everything about the day she had behind her in her diary. She was so sleepy, she barely pulled herself back from just falling into her bed. Bella quickly brushed her teeth and put her Pajamas on. She jumped into her bed and quickly the dark power of the sleep grabbed her.

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