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the time to leave came around far too quickly.

theo, draco, mattheo, pansy, enzo, blaise, harry, hermione, ron and even snape walked the girl to the gates of the school for her to meet her mother.

tears streaming down her face, aurora hugged everyone she loved dearly for what could very well be the last time.

everyone wished her the best of safety and she wished the same to them.

however theo cupped her face and pecked her lips, wiped the tears from her cheeks and embraced her tightly. "dont cry pretty girl"

"i dont want to say goodbye"

"me either, youll be okay, i promise"

"no" aurora turnt to her mother and shook her head "i dont want to go. not alone"

"aurora dont be so stupid, come on, we dont have time for this"

before the blonde could protest, her boyfriend took both her hands into his own "i love you"

"i- i love you too"

"go, we'll be fine"

"i love you all so much" the girl walked to her mother who apperated them away as soon as their hands touched.

"did you apperate us all the way to france?"

"yes" narcissa took some money in an envelope out of her pocket. "if you need more theres more in the safe at the house, youre not to stay at the house, thats too obvious, youre to stay safe, give me your wand and i cannot stress this enough, do not write to anyone back at hogwarts"

"thank you. my wand?"

"we cannot risk magic traces"

"im keeping my wand. what if deatheaters come here"

"then you show them your mark and say youve been sent to make sure everything is fine here and then youre to leave the area completely, go to the other side of the country, i dont care, you need to stay hidden"

"why me? whys it so bad that im involved in this fucking war?"

"because not only did you pass on names of deatheaters, leaving you disloyal in the eyes of the dark lord. but you also went against your father in court and he will want to hurt you. you know that"

"then why was you willingly going to send me to see him"

"enough of the questions"

"im keeping my wand"

"im not helping you if you get caught"

"merci." she rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"attitude aurora."

"i best go find somewhere to live for what could be the next 5 years"

"youre so dramatic, i love you"

"you dont act like it"

"youre my daughter of course i love you"

"je te aime mama"

narcissa nodded and kissed her daughters head. "be safe" and then appareated away.

and just like that. the 17 year old was alone in a secluded alleyway her bags at her feet and money in her pocket.

her new life was about to begin.


okay im actually so sick of my writing now i just want to get this book finished but at the same time i want to keep it going forever

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