- A Dog's Death. -

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The streets never change.
The humming of bright and colorful neon signs, the lights reflecting on large and many puddles of water. In the alleyways, some can be seen doing dangerous and obscure drugs. This neighborhood, run by gangs and powerful families, was a very dangerous corner of this dystopian city.

The disgusting pungent smell of rot and fecal matter filled the 2 A.M air. Look not too far and corpses could be found rotting, eaten by rats and mongrels. I observed a dead body buried entirely by trash. The person was entirely indiscernible. I looked with a cold gaze and I asked myself;

One day, will I be like this?

I kept moving in the main street, heading towards my boss' private club.

I just got done disposing of another enemy of my employer. Indeed, in this dangerous area, I am a professional assassin. I've been in this business for over 20 years and my deeds and my name "Shinobi" were infamous around the country.

Despite my accomplished career, I was still struggling to live another day. I was making money from these jobs just enough to get by and have at least some warm meals, a warm bed and a decent roof on my head.

I was dependent on my current boss, the gang leader of the Dead Hand gang, Vincent Leinker.

After walking for 15 minutes, I entered the secret underground club. Sex, drugs, money, blood, you name it. This place was the definition of human depravity. The guards noticed me approaching the boss' office and they let me in.

"Kekeke! Levy! Amazing job as always! The mayor's death is all over the news!"

The meatball of a man seated at his desk spoke in a strong russian accent, smoking a large cigar as he smirked with glee. I stood away from him and looked at him.

"You decapitated every single one of them and got rid of my opponent, of course I have the money in cash..."

He takes out of his drawer a large envelope containing 100k dollars. He hands it out towards me, smiling from ear to ear.

I grab the money but before I pocket it away;

"This is the last job, correct?"

I asked again because this guy is known to be a snake.

This was my last job with this piece of shit. I decided to end it big by disposing of a politician who had campaigns to change the streets, which would affect the business of my boss.

"Of course! Of course! It was a pleasure doing business with you, Shinobi."


I turn around and begin walking out when...


I fall face down on the floor. Heat is felt at my knees... Well, where there was my knees!

I grit in pain and I look down at my legs. Both of my legs were blown off at my knees level. Blood splurted and adrenaline rushed. But inside I knew that I was going to die.

To be honest, I don't know why I'm surprised. Those who enter this world end up this way. It was to be expected and I was stupid to think I could leave this world. Visions of the rotting dead body covered in trash in the street now haunted my mind.

"Hahahah! You fucking idiot! You thought I would've actually let you go eh?! With my fucking money? With all the knowledge and secrets you hold? Hahaha... For a pro assassin, you're pretty fucking clueless huh?"

I kept panting, my vision was getting blurry. But I managed to gather the strength to turn around and face this fucker.

A double barrel shotgun. He aims the gun at my head and approaches me. He then crouches down next to my face.

"You've been a good dog. I don't need you now and, to be honest, you're a possible massive issue to my business. You understand?"

Vincent doesn't notice but I manage to grab a small hidden knife and draw all of my remaining strength and willpower to hurl it at him. Right in the fucking eye.


The guards enter the room from the boss' yelling.

And before I even know what he says next, I close my eyes.

At least that shithead lost his right eye. I'll wait for you in Hell.

And then the world fades to black.

This is how I died as the greatest hitman on Earth. Quite the anti-climatic end huh? Well, at least I don't have any worries anymore. Now I can rest.

But I hear a mechanical voice along with a message.

[ Soul Transfer Complete! ]


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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