Chapter 13: Storm

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CW: Near-Death experience

Chapter 13: Storm

For the first time in awhile, I had been thinking about something other than Xian. Everything Murphy had told me...The way he'd said some of it was just odd. That's initially what draws me back onto the deck. I want to press him about some of it.

But Murphy's standing at the very front of the ship, in what sounds like a pretty heated conversation with Sunlia, gesturing at where we're heading.

I frown. The clouds that are gathering in the distance are really dark. They had gathered quickly, as well. Sure, I had noticed some clouds in the distance this morning, but they hadn't looked like this. The air felt different, too. The waves already getting rougher.

"That's not going to be fun, is it?"

"Sally, please stop sneaking up on me like that. One of these days, you're going to get hit with the flat of my sword and we're both going to be upset about it."

Sally snorts. "I'd beat your ass and you know it. Sunny's worried. She says the clouds moved in faster than she'd expected, or she would have told us to change course sooner to go around it."

"She's stopped speeding us up. Go get the twins. We still have some time to skirt around the worst of it, as best as we can, anyway. I want them both on sails. And, if you run into Xian...Tell him to stay below in your cabin. It's the best place for him to be, even if we can avoid the bad part of the storm that's coming."

"Aye. He'd blow overboard." She's joking. I can tell she is.

But as I step up to the wheel, there's an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. I don't like the joke she had made. The idea of it...It's not hard to picture. Xian isn't heavy. He's only just gotten used to being on the ship in the first place. Sure, his balance was good, but being on a ship in a storm would be entirely new for him.

"Tell him it's an order," I add in. It comes out harsher than intended, but Sally responds with an affirmative as she starts to walk away.

I try to focus on steering the ship at a diagonal now, but, in the back of my mind, all I can picture is Xian slipping across a soaked deck and slamming into the railing and injuring himself. Or worse, toppling over the railing enitrely and plunging into the water. It isn't the first time I've worried about something like that happening. It had happened when Sally joined, and again with the twins, but it had never caused such a pit in my stomach like this. The visuals had never been so upsetting. Ciden's had come close, but even that didn't hold a candle to the chilling imagery playing in loop in my mind.

"Murphy," I say as he lumbers up to me.

He doesn't look worried, at least. "Not the worst storm I've seen brewing, but it won't be pretty. Get as far to the edge as you can before we hit the cloud cover. And stay calm."

"I'm always calm."


"Yes, Murphy. I'll stay calm." I even take an exaggerated deep breath for good measure, which makes him roll his eyes. "You be ready to help me at the wheel if I need it, okay? You're good in storms. Sally and the twins can handle the sails."

"Are you sure you don't want me to just take over?"

"I'm sure. This looks like it will be the biggest storm I've seen since I've been captain. Even if we're trying to avoid it, mostly...I want the experience, Murphy. I need it. But I feel more confident in myself knowing that you're there to help."

Murphy nods once, but he's almost glowering at me. "I won't always be around to save you when you get yourself in a bind, Si. Don't get too used to that confidence boost. You'll act stupid."

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