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1 Year Ago:

You, a brave being that fell from the sky with a fursona named Loona, have saved all of Rem, now you're home, you're in your room and you reseaved a text from the person that Loona is in your world. She wants to meet the real you and show you her real self. To your reluctance, you live alone so trusting her is a bit far off, but you agree to her request to meet up at the nearby cat cafe. Oddly named Cat-Lantis the city of sea cats. You walk there and out side is a girl in a pirate-like maid outfit. She opens the door looking shyly at you.
"W-welcome master...p-lease step inside." Without a word, you walk in and she follows. Another maid stepped out from the back and gave a cute smile then looked at the girl behind you. They went in the back and talked while you took a seat at a table and were given a complimentary parfai and a drink to go with it. A few of the maids around the cafe watched as you ate in peace. The two in the back room joined you the the one that smiled before spoke up.

"Hey you, were you in a place called Rem before waking up in bed in your room? Loona says hi and wants to speak to you in this world, go easy on the cutie. She's not as fluffy in this world as in Rem." She then got up and the shy girl got flustered. You looked at her and raised a brow.

"So I'm guessing your Loona in Rem and she is someone else you know there?" You ask with no hesitation. The girl across from you nodded slowly and her eyes had the same glimmer that Loona's did in Rem the day you first met her. You smile to yourself then slowly held out a hand. "Name's (last name) but call me (Nickname) it's really nice to finally know who the girl is behind the voice of Loona. Pleased to meet you all over again." Your words and gesture catch the girl off guard. The girl slowly nodded and gently laid a hand in yours. To her surprise, you were just as kind on earth as you were in the world of Rem to her. She got up and walked around the table and sat by you.

"L-Lady Lilith...M-may I be the one to take care of the young master at table 12?" The shy girl asked.

"Sure, but what about your other guests?" The one from before said. "They like your company too y'know." Her words sparked something in you and it dawned on you, Lady Lilith was the captain of the ship you and Loona journeyed on with a captain Lilliona and her shipmates Dungle and Frongle. The three pirate crew was on a small ship called The S.S. Never sinks also known as the Neptunian frigget. You face palmed when the lady and her two mates walked over and sat down.

Fron, the white haired girl, Frongle in Rem, spoke first. "Loona, this is him?" Then her sister Donna spoke up.

"He's so hot~ can I date him?" Donna asks, your lovely maiden's face now red with flustered emotions. She grips your hand and declares her feelings blatenly and loudly for all to hear.

"No! (Nickname)-chan is mine! He's been with me in Rem, he's gonna be with me here too! R-right (nickname)-chan?" Her eyes flashed the same way Loona's in Rem did. You gulp and slowly pull her close and whisper to her and make it so only she hears.

"Loona dear, you're the best. Would you live with me a good 2 months before we did what we did in Rem?" Your heated breath making her shudder as she tried to stay calm. Her cheeks even redder before she let out a squeak and stormed off in a heated fluster. She returned a little over 10 minutes later without her maid outfit, holding a bag in one hand and her other was held out to you.

"Y-yes Master (nickname)-chan, I'll m-move in with you t-today if that's ok with you?" Her eyes sparkled just like that day you first met Loona in Rem. She seemed so much more open there, maybe she was tougher there because she didn't know if you or your alternate were the same person on the inside. You took her hand as you stood up. You then lead the way to your apartment, a 2 bedroom 1.5 bathroom, and the kitchen was just right of the door as you walked in. The walls separating each room were just like the ones found in a Japanese styled home. She fell in love with the place instantly, but then realized her place was 4 times smaller so she really wanted to move in now. She leaned in and softly kissed your cheek, blushed then ran out only to shout back as she left."wait here, I'll return with what little I have!" She was then gone and your door wide open.

You softly sighed and slumped down at the kitchen island bar and made a stiff drink. As you drank away the stress, a very soft tug was felt on your sleeve. You looked over. There, in a blue hoodie stood a girl, unaware of who she was, you slowly picked her up and held her. She leaned into you and fell asleep. When your new roommate returned with her things she gasped seeing you holding the child that she would call little sister. To your surprise, both girls were a package deal, get one, both show up. You carefully hand the girl to Loona, still unsure of her real name, but you'd ask another time.


Author's Note:

Forgive me for the cliffhanger there, but I am pressed for time irl, getting kicked out of my apartment and my girl along with me. I wish I had more time but we have until the 21st. I will continue more of this book when I have time and a safe place to work from. I hope everyone enjoys other works I've got in the making. See ya soon everyone~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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