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Pic above is Gyda Syko

Gyda has never known anyone besides from her late mother, who taught her everything she knows of the world

When she was little, her mother moved to natura she did this to try and keep her and Gyda's secret safe away from the rebles

You see, Gyda is force sensitive, but she can also control other things;
She can create and manipulate fire at will
She can form and control water the ocean and tides
And she can control the plants around us

Her control over these elements is extraordinary considering she's all but 19 years of age.

Anikan Skywalker 22, a jedi Knight who doesn't know what his future holds for him

Born a slave his name is known around the galaxy

His attitude may come across arrogant, but on the inside is a boy who is scared for his future and of those around him

What will fate have in store for him when he meets the hidden gem to his life

In this story Padmé is working with Count Dooku to turn Anikan into Darth Vader. Its not like I don't like her or anything it's just how my thought process is rn ngl. If this changes, then I'll inform you as quickly as I can.

Word count 218

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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