The way I loved you

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Walking on the pavements of a park there stood nishimura riki listening to Taylor Swift's fearless album of course Taylor's version.

He was wearing a white sweatshirt with black pants and a pair of white sneakers.

"You are not sorry" finished with "no-oh"
Here starts "the way I loved you" and a tear rolled down his pale cheeks thinking about his ex-lover Kim Sunoo whom he broke up 2 months ago before coming back to Japan.

It's been 2 months since he came to Japan leaving the shorter male at the outskirts of Seoul, paju, without saying anything regarding his departure from Korea.

He looks up at the sky and seems like it's about to cry with him too.The sky was darkening and the line comes in his earphones ~"but I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain"~ like the lyrics are speaking with him.

The rain started pouring he thought about the day when he and his sunoo hyung was fighting and kissing in the rain cause of a misunderstanding and that's when he was saying sunoo's name. The time was 02.00 am. He wanted to laugh at the coincidence but his pain is not letting him do.

"~It's 02:00 a.m and I'm cursing your name~ "

He realised it was time to go home and when he was about to walk when he realised that he is fully drenched in rain and shivering from the cold then he saw a familiar car stopping in front of him.

The car opened and revealed a tall girl, she came and dragged riki but not forcefully into the car,"kazuha oni san, what are you doing here it's midnight" riki said in mumbles.

" Shouldn't you be the one one answering the question ,Riki what are you doing out at freaking 02:00 a.m and in a fucking park you know how worried I was" here starts kazuha and her babying riki.

~"He is sensible and so incredible"~

"You know how worried we all are and why the hell you are crying in the park at midnight" kazuha said in one breath.

"Sorry oni san" riki sighed" I didn't know i am making y'all worried and I am missing my friends in Korea so that's why i am crying" zuha didn't say anything cause the reason he said was understandable and makes sense that's what RIKI thought.

They went to riki's home and there stood his parents worriedly.

"Riki San are you okay you know how worried we were , zhua and you are going to get married  in a month and here you are behaving like a toddler who don't know how to speak on it's own" riki's mom said as she twisted his ears.

"Sorry mom i didn't mean to stay longer outside and zuha oni san i am sorry "zuha just nodded and smiled in return.

"Okay okay now go and change you are fully drenched" his mom said as he looked over his dad.

His father didn't say anything he just patted riki's head and kissed his crown and went in.

He went to his room and changed into some nice clothes immediately and came down to his fiancee.

"Thank you for taking me home zuha oni san" riki said receiving a nod,to be honest he liked zuha but not in a romantic way as he still loves his sunoo hyung.

As for zuha she only agreed to this marriage cause her parents said to but she liked riki the cute boy who went to study dance in Korea at 13.

She liked him but not in a romantic way but she liked him cause he is cute and adorable, they try to develop feelings for each other as they are going to get married but their efforts go in vain cause they both can't see each other in a romantic way.

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