𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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Unedited version

A dark silence fell across the area as a figure emerged from within a blackened patch of the trees. His eyes were a noticeable feature , with a soft shape of lavender , and the reminiscence of a late dusk, though it was a beautiful sight to behold , his pupils had quickly begun to swirl into a black almost oil like appearance , filling every crevice until his eyes were a dark pit of nothing . . .

Hero's hands shook and his heart felt as if someone was squeezing it , his breathing grew fast and his body began to tremble .
Those eyes . . . Where the only thing he could focus on , everything around him felt as if time had frozen , as if someone had placed him inside a cold isolated room . However the darkness had a sense of familiarity to it, a feeling like that of the creature from before... Though as he gazed into the emptiness before him , an outline of a human figure had forged itself into view, though more slender and tall than the girl from the creature had been. A sharp pain from his side caused the void to swirl around until the surroundings of reality had returned to his sight .

" Hero ! "

Reaper spoke through gritted teeth, jabbing one of his claws into the wolf boy's side until he saw movement . His shoulders dropped and he pulled his hand back , his gaze falling over Hero before he adjusted his holding position, bringing the wolf boy up to his chest to an almost cradling-like position . By the dazed look in Hero's eyes, and the limpness to his body , the situation was clear . Reaper swiftly turned his head to Juvia , without a single word muttered , she was already in a battle stance .

" Reaper , get Hero to safety , now . "

Her voice was cold and commanding , leaving no room for any disagreements .

She watched as Reaper gave a nod and quickly vanished into the forest .
Her head turned to face the figure before her .

" So... We meet again, Xavis . "

She unclipped the Golden Vulpine mask from her belt , her eyes never leaving Xavis's form . Her gaze remained firm and body unmoving even as a black snake coiled around Xavi's wrist , stretching itself out as it hardened into a blade , then did he return her gaze , a smirk planted on his pale face , his sickening hollowed eyes staring into her own golden ones .

" Remember the last time we fought ? Ha , you wouldn't have survived if it wasn't for your little friend that came at the nick of time... So what makes you think you even have the slightest chance of defeating me now ? "

Xavis's words were like a stab to the heart , making Juvia's blood heat up , though she did not fret .

" Says the one who keeps running from every battle . "

She replied back , her voice cool , though with a hint of taunting to it . Her lips formed into a slight small as she saw annoyance flash over Xavis's face .

𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄 . previewDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora