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It was a lovely morning. Deaky was sitting on the couch sipping camomile tea and reading the newspaper. Brian was listening to music with his earbuds in on his IPod, and Roger was gleefully putting together a car model, specifically of a 1976 Pontiac Firebird.

In fact, he was almost finished putting it together. It had taken him about a week to put together. Although he enjoyed the entire process, he was so excited to paint the thing. He was so overjoyed to get done with the building process so he could lay down a nice, bright shade of red on the model, because he finds it to be the most suitable color due to the name of the model. Firebird. Red is the most common color of fire. Does it not make sense?

Putting down a piece, Roger decided to gather some spray paint and gloss to prepare for the next step of the model building process. He didn't care if the model was finished or not, he was only preparing. He will paint it when he finishes it put it together. He thinks he still has a spray can of a paint color called "firetruck red", and thought that was suitable.

He stood up, but right before he took a step to go to his room, Freddie miraculously barged into the living room dressed up in a white t shirt, white pants, and that yellow jacket. His long black hair flailing about, he was singing "What's Up" by Four Non Blondes.

"AND SO I WAKE IN THE MORNING AND I STEP OUTSIDE~" he screamed as Roger suddenly jumped into the air in fear.

"WHAAAAAAAA—" Roger blurted, super confused and startled.

Deaky was also startled and accidentally spit some tea onto the carpet. He looked at Freddie and wondered why his best friend was so happy.


"Uhhh... Fred-" Roger began

"AND I SCREAM FROM THE TOP OF MY LUNGS!!!" Freddie melodramatically belted.

Brian looked up at the man, as he heard his singing even while listening to his own music, and took one earbud out of his ear. He, like Roger, was also confused.

"WHAT'S GOING ON???" Freddie finished.

Brian just stared, and then he looked down at his IPod, and then looked up again at Freddie.

"Really, what is going on?" He asked cluelessly.

"Yeah, Fred. What's gotten into you?" Roger asked, slightly annoyed.

"You... you scared me! Unintentionally, of course—but you caused me to make a mess on the carpet!" Deaky complained albeit in a gentle voice.

"Ohohoho it's alright, Deaky—I'll clean it up when we get home. That doesn't bother me at all! I do apologize for scaring you and making you do that, though," Freddie consoled.

Deaky just nodded in validation.

" 'When we get home'? What do you mean, 'When we get home'? We're already home!" Roger spat, his arms crossed tensely.

"Oh, Roger, you don't know, do you darling?" Freddie asked, making him guess as to what was on his mind.

Roger growled in frustration.

"Freddie, I cannot read people's minds. You know that. We all know that. What I don't know is... well—whatever you're so happy about..." Roger snarled.

"Well, I'm glad you asked! So I read on Google early this morning that the fair starts today, and we're going to it!" Freddie triumphantly stated.

The other three men gasped and their eyes widened.

"Oh yeah! I forgot all about that!" Roger replied, his voice much less aggressive.

"Really? Yay! I can't wait!" Brian said, putting down his earbuds and IPod and jumped up and down.

Deaky finished his tea and gracefully stood up.

"But..." Roger said, "what about my model?"

The man with the blonde hair pointed to the project he was working on, which was miraculously still intact after Freddie made his grand entrance.

"Oh? It'll be fine! I'll just put it as well as your paint in your room for safe keeping! Deal?" Freddie asked.

Roger sighed and nodded in defeat.

"Deal..." Roger said somberly.

So Freddie took Roger's stuff, went to his room, and quickly came back with his hands empty.

"If you haven't already, change into your best clothes because I'm not going to wait for looong!" Freddie exclaimed in a sing-songy voice.

Time passed and Brian was in his black suit, dress pants, and blue tie, Roger was in his white dress shirt, pastel blue jeans, and rainbow suspenders, and Deaky was in his mint green and black striped dress shirt, black suit, dress pants, and bow tie.

"Y'all look AMAZING!!!" Freddie exclaimed and he did a back flip into the air.

"Are ya ready Freddie?" Roger asked, the excitement brewing in him.

"Roger that, Roger!" Freddie replied while giggling.

So the four men walked out of the door and got in their car and started it.

Authors note: Weee this is actually therapeutic—

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