Chapter 6 -- Psychokinesis

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Bella looked around the building in awe, even if they barely started the exploration. She was absolutely amazed by how ginormous the building was. Thirteen Floors?! I mean come on! Try to imagine that! Bella got brought out of her amazed stare around by a throat-clear by Lilith. She turned her head to look at her, raising an eyebrow. »So, where do we want to go to first?«, Lilith asked, holding out the school map in her hands.

The rest of the girls shrugged, making Lilith look at them with an annoyed look before sighing. »Muy bien entonces...« There was a long, awkward silence before Emma dared to speak up. »How about we just.. walk around with no real destination, and we just.. talk


Awkward Silence.

The four girls either fidgeted around with their fingers, or excessively tried avoiding eye-contact. Soon, Bella couldn't take it anymore, so while the other girls were being ridiculously quiet and awkward, she snuck away to explore on her own. After being sure the others didn't follow and bug her with questions, she headed to the auditorium to grab one of the school maps. She had to fiddle around with it for a while until she figured out on which page the floor she was on was.

»Na bine...«, she murmured, looking where to go first. She noticed that it would also say what subjects and classes there were for each class, and a specific one catched her eye. Finding of the animal. »Finding of the animal?«, she read aloud. »What could that be?« She felt kind of dumb for not knowing it, since the answer seemed so obvious, yet she didn't have a clue. She thought of asking one of the teachers, so she looked around, trying to find one, but surprisingly, no one was around. »Of course! Everyone's either in their dorms or exploring, who would stick around in the fricking auditorium?!«, she yelled sarcastically, hearing her echo, as the giant auditorium was empty. She sighed, remaining silent for a few seconds, before thinking aloud:

»Maybe I should've stuck with the other girls... I mean.. It's my first time in the US.. and I- I probably left a bad impression already..« She sighed again and opened her phone and looked at some pictures. She was looking at a selfie of her and another girl doing the peace sign when.. 

»Who's that?«, a familiar, french voice was suddenly heard over her shoulder, to which Bella jumped, falling to the ground.

»Jesus! R- Rosé? Have you been listening to me?!«, Bella grabbed the hand Rosé extended for her to get up.

»Mmmmaybe, mmmaybe not. Now tell me! Who's that? And what do ya mean by 'first time in the US'?«, Rosé asked energetic as usual, to which Bella seemed kind of sad. She sighed and looked to the ground in front of her before looking back at the picture. »That's Natalie, a friend of mine from Germany..«

»Germany? Don't tell me you lived in Germany!«

Not even Bella could resist to chuckle when she heard the surprise in Rosé's voice. »Well.. If you believe me or not, I did live in Germany! In Bayern, to be exact.« »Ce n'est pas possible.. Sérieusement?!«, Rosé asked. Bella chuckled again: »You're lucky I know a bit of French.. Yeah.. Why so surprised? Haven't you ever been in Germany? France literally borders it.« This time, Rosé chuckled nervously. »Well... euh... I'm Canadienne..«, making Bella's mouth form an 'o'.

They remained silent for a few seconds, before Bella dared to ask something she had wanted to know since she got to this school. »Can I ask you how you found out what your... uh... magical animal was?«, to which Rosé raised an eyebrow. »Because of my family? We're all Foxes..«, she answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, making Bella feel stupid. The silence soon returned, and then Rosé just left without a warning, while Bella was looking around. Bella looked after her as she climbed up the stairs, before whipping around to the left, as she heard something on the stage. It was a fast ticking sound, tk-tk-tk. Albeit she was scared to, she climbed upon the stage, wanting to figure out what was making that sound. She looked around, trying to find out where it came from.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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