002. you can trust me

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002. you can trust me

AT THE SANCTUARY, it was early morning. After the events that had taken place last night, Athena was too tired to shout at her brother when they arrived home. So, she decided that the morning would be the best time.

She stormed into the meeting room, where she knew Negan would be. When the door swung open, she saw Negan and Dwight sat at the table, Simon standing up.

"Good morning to you to." Simon chuckled, a smirk was planted on his face, making Athena even more annoyed than she already was.

"What the hell was that?" Athena looked towards her brother. He furrowed his brows. "Last night? We agreed one person. But, you just, what, changed your mind? What we agree on, goes."

Negan stood up, "What i say, goes. Athena, you can't boss me around, i am the captain of this ship, not you."

"You're all fucking disgusting. Taking photos of their dead bodies, sticking them to your walls like they're some sort of medals that you won," Athena sighed, "I know they deserved to be punished, but we've never killed more than one."

"Why do you care anyway? Don't act like you didnt wipe away a tear last night. I saw you, showing sympathy. If you're gonna be weak, Athena, i'm not sure you should be as high up in power as you are." Negan scoffed. Simon let out a small chuckle, mocking the girl.

Athena grabbed Simon by his shirt, pressing him against the wall with her arm. She took the knife from her holster and held it against his face. "If you wanna laugh so bad, Simon, i'll cut a smile into that loud mouth of yours."

Simon pushed Athena lightly off of him, turning to Negan and laughing, "That sister of yours, she's just as fiery as her hair. Use that to your advantage."

Athena walked out the room, leaving the boys in a fit of laughter.

She then made her way down the hallway, reaching the end door where she knew the man named Daryl was being kept.

She didn't know what to do. She didn't know if Dwight or her brother had done anything to him yet. Usually, they would wait a day, give him a chance to get used to the sanctuary, and then torture him.

The difference with him was that she cared. Normally when there was someone in there, she didn't care enough to stop and check if they were still breathing, but there was something different about this man.

She opened the small shutter, revealing four bars which stopped him from reaching her. Daryl didn't move his head, but Athena knew that he was aware she was there.

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