Chapter One: Tour Diaries

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You breathed in a breath of fresh air as you walked off the bus. You landed in New York earlier and were now at the hotel. You tucked your brown hair behind your heavily pierced ear and rolled your bags forward. At the check in desk, your keys were promptly given and a bag boy at your side to help with your luggage. You took the elevator up to the second to last floor. As you entered your room you scanned it to make sure it was the room you wanted. It was a basic suite with a kitchenette, small living room, separated bedroom and bathroom. Everything looked to be in order. You tipped the bellhop and locked the door behind him. You had little time to situate yourself before you had to be at the stadium. You were already dressed and made up for the day. You checked your reflection in the hallway mirror. Your dark brown hair was curled and settled on the bottom of your shoulders. Your brown eyes popped against the new burgundy eyeshadow you had on. You had on a pair of black straight legged jeans, a gauzy black shirt (unbuttoned to show off the lace bralette underneath), a clump of gold chains around your neck that matched the gold on your chunky boots. You refreshed your deodorant and perfume before checking your phone. A knock on your door jolted your attention. You checked the peep hole and smiled. You unlocked the door and in walked Scott. "Hey roomie." He joked. "You got the couch, roomie" you joked back. "I'm next door actually." He smiled. "Ari is on the other side of you," he gestured to the conjoined door. "You're a little tour manager sandwich." He giggled evilly. You rolled your eyes playfully "Wonderful". The boys had a few shows and appearances in New York. You'd be there about four or five days total. "And don't call me tour manager, I'm an assistant to the assistant of the tour manager." You corrected. Scott rolled his eyes and laughed "Sure thing."
The boys often called you the real tour manager because you worked harder than the actual manager sometimes. You also kept the boys in check. You made sure they were good and taken care of. They'd playfully call you mom after you corrected them about something. Scott plopped down on the couch. "You headed over with us." He drawled. "Yeah I was about to head down to the lobby. Just wanted to grab some perfume and lipstick." You leaned against the small island in the kitchen. You checked your purse, which was really a backpack, for your essentials. You had your IDs, OTC pain meds, tums, pepto, lipstick, chapstick, hair brush, perfume, a change of underwear and socks, chargers, and your laptop. Scott stood and grabbed a water from your fridge. One of the perks of being on tour is stocked fridges. "Okay, let's get Ari and go. The cars waiting, he texted us." Scott said heading towards the door. You grabbed yourself a water and headed towards the conjoined door. You knocked politely, but Scott pushed past and banged like the cops. "Ari," which came out sounding like Oddy. "Let's goooo." Scott yelled. Aristos unlocked the door and opened it slightly. "Man, what the fuck. Your next door?" He jokingly asked. "No, I am. He's next to me." You replied. Aristos looked at you and smiled devilishly. "Oh, like a sandwich."
Scott laughed and clapped his hands. You rolled your eyes and hiked your bag onto your shoulders. "Yeah, yeah whatever. The cars waiting so." You encouraged. Aristos grabbed his things and followed you and Scott through your room to the front door. "How'd we end up in my room? Your doors lead to the same hallway!!" You protested jokingly. "We always end up in your room baby." Scott half joked.
They did always end up in your room. Either before or after a show. Just to hang out and joke around. Sometimes to do last minute changes and planning. There was always a few dirty jokes thrown around at your expense. Mostly from Scott. He was a huge flirt. You tried to shake off their looks and comments by reminding yourself that this was work. They were coworkers and that's it. Especially Aristos...
You all piled out of your room into the hall. Down the hall into the elevator, security waiting. They escorted you out to a back exit and into the SUV.  Once inside, the nerves started for all three of you. You were anxiously checking emails and texts and agendas to make sure you were caught up on any and all changes. Then you could relay the info to the boys quickly. You joked that you were basically their babysitters sometimes.
As you pulled up to the iconic venues blocked off side entrance you could see the boys' excitement and nervousness in their faces. You grabbed your things and exited. Ari and Scott grabbing the door for you. The show wasn't until tomorrow night, but the boys liked to come and familiarize themselves with the place a bit. Soundcheck was first thing tomorrow followed by breakfast and a lot of running around (mostly for you).
You were escorted down the maze of corridors. You were shown where you'd be (a small room a few doors down from the boys). The boys checked their room out as you met with team members about the list of things the boys needed in their rooms. Going over last minute changes and coordinating times. The boys ventured off with security and another team member to explore the venue as you continued your checklist with the team member and food service. The boys eventually made their way back. You wrapped up your meeting and packed up your laptop. "So," you started "how friggen cool is this for you both?" Madison Square Garden was a major milestone in an artists career. You yourself had been to countless shows here. You could point out where you'd sat. And recall each show. The boys beamed "Fuckin' awesome." Aristos said cooly. "This is just incredible." Scott shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe we're here." You smiled proudly at them. You noticed Scott still taking it all in (yes even the green rooms at MSG were incredible) while Aristos held his gaze on you a few seconds longer. You looked away but you see him smirk in the corner of your eye. You adjusted your top and sipped your water. You knew you were blushing. "Ya'll hungry?" Scott asked. You nodded as Aristos replied "Yeah." You all piled back into the SUV as it took you to a steakhouse. They had a private room saved for you guys. You were whisked into the restaurant quickly and into your private room. You ordered your appetizers, dinners, and drinks as you chit chatted. You could see Aristos still staring out of the corner of your eye. He had intense eyes. But when he was staring, it was impossible to sit still. Under his gaze, you felt like a bug under a magnifying glass, hot and squirmy. Scott seemed oblivious to Ari's behavior since Aristos was still upholding a normal conversation. After dinner, Scott excused himself to the men's room, leaving you and Ari alone. You swallowed hard. Gulping ice water, trying not to be rude by checking your phone. You felt like you were under investigation. He was still staring, with that slight smirk. You tried to look anywhere but him. You organized the dirty plates, refilled waters, adjusted your seat, fiddled with your earrings. Aristos sat back in his chair and breathed in deeply. "Hey," he said. You finally met his gaze. "Are you done avoiding me now?" You swallowed hard again. "I-I'm not- avoiding you." You stumbled. He smiled, "of course you are. You can't sit still, and you're not looking at me." He pointed out. You rolled your eyes a little and said "Yeah, I'm just tidying up." A lie. He chuckled and shook his head. "You're going to have to talk to me eventually Y/N. We work together..." he leaned in slowly. Your face grew hot. "We have talked today." You boldly stated, tucking your hair behind your ears, then untucking it again. "I don't want to talk about work..." he practically whispered. You reached for your water, praying for Scott to come in. He didn't. Dammit. "About what-" you started but you already knew what. You just wanted to avoid it.

"The other night." Aristos said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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